Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I forgot how much I despise the first 5 minutes or so riding in the cold before my body warms up.  But that shining sun sure did feel good for the soul! 

You can beat me any time. Adam.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Sorry, I already beat you there. :-)

h' $550 said:

Nice first ride in the COLD.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Nice first ride in the COLD.

Nice second ride in the COLD.

I am on the "bundle and maybe be a little sweaty but not be cold" camp - was perfectly content today, at least for my upper 1/2. My neck was cold (which I can solve with a warmer of some kind, I just had a fashion infinity scarf on hand...) and my face was... which is what winter is like... but the one part of me that was too cold was my glutes/hamstrings. I had on fleece lined leggings AND workout leggings, but was still cold. Any (cheap because I'm pretty much broke buying winter clothes/bike stuff) good suggestions for keeping the butt warm?Anyone besides me have this problem? 

But weirdly, Milwaukee was nearly empty this morning. Maybe everyone took a day off?

Michelle, do you have something that is a windbreaking layer for your bottom half?  That helps me.  Or just another, looser, wool layer over the leggings?

Michelle said:

I am on the "bundle and maybe be a little sweaty but not be cold" camp - was perfectly content today, at least for my upper 1/2. My neck was cold (which I can solve with a warmer of some kind, I just had a fashion infinity scarf on hand...) and my face was... which is what winter is like... but the one part of me that was too cold was my glutes/hamstrings. I had on fleece lined leggings AND workout leggings, but was still cold. Any (cheap because I'm pretty much broke buying winter clothes/bike stuff) good suggestions for keeping the butt warm?Anyone besides me have this problem? 

But weirdly, Milwaukee was nearly empty this morning. Maybe everyone took a day off?


Montrose to Addison.  Back caliper LOCKED up hard.  Rode dragging brake back home (not fun), changed and got on the train...

Unplanned trip to UBS tonight...

If you ever needed an excuse to get a second bike for commuting, this is it. Act on it.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:


Montrose to Addison.  Back caliper LOCKED up hard.  Rode dragging brake back home (not fun), changed and got on the train...

Unplanned trip to UBS tonight...

Compression shorts MAY help both glutes and hamstrings:

Michelle said:

Any (cheap because I'm pretty much broke buying winter clothes/bike stuff) good suggestions for keeping the butt warm?Anyone besides me have this problem? 

For the neck and face, have you tried Turtle Fur?  Possibly a bit too warm for it this morning, but the ride started out toasty.

Anyone have suggestions on fingertips?  I'm currently wearing Smartwool liners and Head running gloves and I just couldn't get my fingertips to warm up.


Michelle said:

I am on the "bundle and maybe be a little sweaty but not be cold" camp - was perfectly content today, at least for my upper 1/2. My neck was cold (which I can solve with a warmer of some kind, I just had a fashion infinity scarf on hand...) and my face was... which is what winter is like... but the one part of me that was too cold was my glutes/hamstrings. I had on fleece lined leggings AND workout leggings, but was still cold. Any (cheap because I'm pretty much broke buying winter clothes/bike stuff) good suggestions for keeping the butt warm?Anyone besides me have this problem? 

But weirdly, Milwaukee was nearly empty this morning. Maybe everyone took a day off?

Divvy is a good backup bike, too.

Duppie said:

If you ever needed an excuse to get a second bike for commuting, this is it. Act on it.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:


Montrose to Addison.  Back caliper LOCKED up hard.  Rode dragging brake back home (not fun), changed and got on the train...

Unplanned trip to UBS tonight...

I really like silk glove liners. They're light, thin, and very surprisingly effective.  I would imagine they'd go nicely under those wool liners, too.  Cabela's has 'em, you can get 'em online, and they're not expensive.  OBTW, silk sock liners and long underwear are mighty nice, too. 

Bez said:

For the neck and face, have you tried Turtle Fur?  Possibly a bit too warm for it this morning, but the ride started out toasty.

Anyone have suggestions on fingertips?  I'm currently wearing Smartwool liners and Head running gloves and I just couldn't get my fingertips to warm up.


Michelle said:

I am on the "bundle and maybe be a little sweaty but not be cold" camp - was perfectly content today, at least for my upper 1/2. My neck was cold (which I can solve with a warmer of some kind, I just had a fashion infinity scarf on hand...) and my face was... which is what winter is like... but the one part of me that was too cold was my glutes/hamstrings. I had on fleece lined leggings AND workout leggings, but was still cold. Any (cheap because I'm pretty much broke buying winter clothes/bike stuff) good suggestions for keeping the butt warm?Anyone besides me have this problem? 

But weirdly, Milwaukee was nearly empty this morning. Maybe everyone took a day off?


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