The Chainlink

Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Lisa, Ann and I took a trip today out to Waterfall Glen, the forest preserve that surrounds Argonne National Labs. This is 20 yards from the falls that you can barely see in the distance and where we ate our chicken wings, potato salad and Thai cole slaw. The weather was wonderful and the ride was hilly and a lot of fun until we got lost. We made it back, thanks to a pair of helpful hikers.

How many bees?

Almost too hot to ride today.  Rode anyway, of course!


I had the dubious pleasure of driving 10+ miles down North Avenue today from Melrose Park during evening rush hour, and a guy on a bike beat me back to Lincoln Park. It was 98 degrees and he didn't even look like he was exerting himself very much. In case that was you: Nicely done!

It was not bad going to work this morning!  We don't have to talk about going home.

Very hot this afternoon, but I managed to survive. :-)

First day riding with a cycling cap from Kozy Prery at the Renegade Craft Fair. What a different! No more sweat or sun in my eyes. Thank you!

Remember, as long as you keep moving, the fan stays on! 

Be sure to enjoy the lakefront splendor!  Nothing like Chicagoland in the summer on the bike!


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