Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I saw a guy riding on Dearborn the other day with a camera around his neck, taking pictures. Gene, was that you?

I take State, not Dearborn, between North and Erie. I ride a recumbent trike with red flags all over two poles. If this fits the bill, 'twas me. Otherwise, impostors are on the loose.

Definitely not you, then! I did see a recumbent heading north this morning on the LFT, though.

Gene Tenner said:

I take State, not Dearborn, between North and Erie. I ride a recumbent trike with red flags all over two poles. If this fits the bill, 'twas me. Otherwise, impostors are on the loose.

Red wheels, too, if I remember.

... and a flamingo.

Tricolor said:

Red wheels, too, if I remember.

I rode in to MCC from Naperville again. Saw the same huge peloton of riders in Hinsdale as last Friday, heading west on Chicago Ave - this was at 6:10AM. I estimate there were as many as fifty riders or more in this group.
Anyone have any information about that large group ride?

Looking forward to a nice tailwind on the way home.

Eric Peterson

thats so awesome.  We should start a thread for funny conversations with non cyclists or conversations with non cyclists that make us smile. Or do we have one?

Chicago Jen said:

Amazing ride to work this morning. Doubly so because of the following:

(Stop light at Madison and Dearborn)
Police SUV: Excuse me young lady, your brake light is out *big grin*
Me: Sorry officer, as soon as they start making them I’ll get one! *laugh*
Cop: Have a good Friday!
Me: Happy Friday to you too!
Oldsmobile: That guy is having way too much fun at his job. *smile*
Me: It’s Friday, everyone has a better day at work on Friday.
Oldsmobile: You have a good Friday!
Me: Happy Friday to you too. Have a great day!
(light changes)

Completely renewed my faith in humanity. Happy Friday everyone.

I bet its "tower racing".  they have a 6am ride every friday.

Eric Peterson said:

I rode in to MCC from Naperville again. Saw the same huge peloton of riders in Hinsdale as last Friday, heading west on Chicago Ave - this was at 6:10AM. I estimate there were as many as fifty riders or more in this group.
Anyone have any information about that large group ride?

Looking forward to a nice tailwind on the way home.

Eric Peterson

I ride every day.  Usually 15 miles.  Yesterday I did 18.8  Halstead and Randolph, to the lake front, up to belmont harbor, and back.  Good ride.  LFP was pretty empty around 3pm.


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