Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Wasn't my turtle, so I have no way of knowing.  I suppose it could have been an ass-turtle.  

No excuses.  Ride!  :-)

In an odd turnabout I rode today though my buddy at work (who rides more often and lives much closer to work) didn't.  When he got up it was raining.  By the time I rolled out the door the rain had stopped.  I also rode my Xtracycle today, something I rarely do.  My normal commuter is down with bottom bracket/front shifting woes, and it was too wet to ride any of my "nice bikes".

If you're curious about Xtracycles, I will have mine today at "Bell for a Buck" at the Picasso sculpture at Dearborn and Washington (between about noon and 12:20). They are quite handy for hauling groceries.  You can also buy interesting attachments, like blenders.  Just the thing when you crave a smoothie (or margarita) on a hot day at the beach. :-)

Nice day for BTWW.  Thanks to all at the Wells pit stop!

Gorgeous day for a ride!  Riding year round really makes me appreciate days like this!

Agreed.  After getting off the LFT at North/LaSalle, I took North to Wells, thinking I'd encounter a Bike-to-Work pit stop between there and the river. No such luck.  I guess it must have been further north, probably at the Wells/Lincoln/Clark intersection.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Gorgeous day for a ride!  Riding year round really makes me appreciate days like this!

What a great morning ride, with a nice coffee break at the ATA/Chainlink pit stop at REI.  Skip, there is pit stop tomorrow at Lincoln/Clark/Wells and then Thursday at LFP & Fullerton.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Agreed.  After getting off the LFT at North/LaSalle, I took North to Wells, thinking I'd encounter a Bike-to-Work pit stop between there and the river. No such luck.  I guess it must have been further north, probably at the Wells/Lincoln/Clark intersection.

Skip, that one is tomorrow morning!  Wells/Lincoln/Clark it is!  I will be there volunteering between 6:30 and 7:30--hope to see you.

I rode today along with hundreds of my closest friends on the LFP.  There was bike traffic in the Madison Street bike lane between Michigan and Dearborn.  I have never seen so many bikes on Madison.

What a gorgeous morning to ride, wanted to stay out all day.....

As a hopefully soon to be employed person I rode the expected route yesterday to check mileage and range (e-bike battery). It's a 8.83mile one way commute and the battery with a 14mph aveage speed heavily pedal assisted made it with power to spare for the round trip (17+miles).

Ran into a bit of a sprinkle on the return but the temps were perfect and the route from Elston/Austin/Peterson to 15th in Melrose Park was good biking and fair traffic in the early afternoon time slot. As a machine shop position the actual commute will probably be early (before) rush in the morn and the option of DesPlaines River trail for a relaxing ride home.



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