Nice first ride in the COLD.


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And I thought I was out there with thousands of people I did not know!  

This is a good ride. Though, I will usually hop off the trail to surface streets between Zion and the Naval base; too much broken glass on the crushed limestone trail.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

I had an interesting ride today.  My wife wanted to pick up a table in Kenosha that she found in CL.  I threw my bike on the rack and went along to help, then rode home from there.  The Kenosha County Trail (asphalt paved) starts at the south end of 30th Ave in Kenosha.  Straight as an arrow and flat as a pancake.  It meets up with the Robert McClory Trail (cinder paved) at the Illinois border.  Again, flat as a pancake and straight as an arrow.  That took me to Highwood, with a little bit of a jog near the Great Lakes Naval Station.  I rode a couple miles of surface streets in Highwood and Highland Park, then climbed on the Green Bay Trail which took me to downtown Wilmette.  From there I rode surface streets to my house in Evanston. 46.5 miles, probably 80% of it on rails-to-trails paths.

Riding in the wrong direction on LSD with not a soul in sight will be a tough one to top. Bike the Drive was a load of fun, and highly recommended for anyone that balked today. 

Lisa - it was good to meet you! We are always out there! :)

Gene, your pictures are peaceful and beautiful.

Thank you, Lisa. This has been interesting weather and light to take photos in. I am taking fewer photos but more of the ones I like. I like peaceful.

I thought I saw you at Bike the Drive, but your bike was red, so I knew it was not you.

Nice ride this AM.  Thought I was gonna get caught in heavy rain but was just a steady mist.  And now I have a wonderful afternoon ride to look forward to.

Nothing like wearing sandals in a downpour, riding through 3" deep puddles and having the lukewarm water stream over your toes.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.


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