Nice first ride in the COLD.


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It was a very bizarre tire failure.   The inner tube didn't go and the tire held pressure.   I was walking it home to change wheels, when I noticed I still had pressure.  So I gingerly rode it home to swap out the wheel.   Fortunately (?) I have wrecked enough bikes that I have several spare front and rear wheels that I keep in the garbage with pressure up ready to put on.   I know the "solution" when on the road, normally with failures in the city during the commute I either get on the CTA with the broken bike, or lock it and come get it later. 

Or slip a twenty in there and head to a bike shop. :-)

Rich Evans said:

One thing you can do as a quick road fix for that (if the failed area of the tire isn't too big) is to slip a dollar bill between the tube and the inner surface of the tire. 

I had a rare ellipti-go sighting this morning.  Good luck on that thing lady, I hope you didn't have to head back home into those headwinds.  Woof.

happy face today!

it's the most




the year!

amazing!!! I love riding in warm weather! It's when I first got hooked.

Nice weather. I almost got doored by a passenger exiting a cab that was pulled over halfway into the Dearborn bike lane.

After getting doored in a similar situation a couple years ago on Clark Street, I resolved never to pass a cab on the right ever again...

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I almost got doored by a passenger exiting a cab that was pulled over halfway into the Dearborn bike lane.

I was heading south and the cab was facing north. He was blocking the northbound lane, but I was able to get around in the southbound lane. The idiot cabbie pulled off to the LEFT of the street instead of the right curb.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

After getting doored in a similar situation a couple years ago on Clark Street, I resolved never to pass a cab on the right ever again...

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I almost got doored by a passenger exiting a cab that was pulled over halfway into the Dearborn bike lane.

Had a lovely ride last night, and I'm looking forward to riding tonight.

As am I. Should be perfect weather for the Ride of Silence!

Anne Alt said:

Had a lovely ride last night, and I'm looking forward to riding tonight.


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