Nice first ride in the COLD.


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So heads up. This mornings commute going west on the Roose was back to being windy after so many pleasant days of no headwind. Plus, they are letting out some fire hydrant or pipes at the JV detention center across from the FBI building. The water has the bike lane flooded for a good deal right before the Ogden intersection.

My first job in Chicago was a consulting gig at the White Castle in '98.  Depressing place.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.


Gene, I sense a bit of a red theme.

I see the world through rose-colored glasses.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Gene, I sense a bit of a red theme.

Weather/commute has been same/same for past few days.  Looks to be so until at least middle of next week...sigh...ready for Spring.

i agree. except for the fingers today I dressed correctly. thought I could be done with the heavyweight gloves and liners...but I guess not.

Foolishly I went fingerless wool no liner. Hope it warms up for everyone now that the sun is semi shining. Last nights commute home was a nice blend of snow, then sunny with wind. Keeps you on your toes!
I'm keeping the ski gloves until convinced it's safe to do otherwise.

I did guess on heavier vs. lighter coat and went with lighter, and that was fine.

Now, if people who are passing could remember that little phrase "on your left", that'd make things a tad more pleasant. It's an odd day when all of my close calls are with other bike riders and not motorized vehicles.

gloves--mittens?  gloves--mittens?  gloves--mittens?  Mittens!  Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!


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