Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Last ride of the year.  Caught the lull between rain.  Happy New year everyone.
I rode between episodes of rain this morning.  For a few minutes the sun was even out.  I had to dodge a ton of trash in the streets, but it was awesome!  I rode hard, right into the wind, and it felt great.

Contemplating a 2 1/2 mile ride to that party I'm going to tonight. Worried about getting soaked. It sure feels great out there right now. ride home? But then my bike's not at home.

Anybody know what happened to the LFP just south of Fullerton? Sheets of the asphalt 3 inches thick have broken away in huge chunks and they're laying all over the path/beach. I can't imagine that the waves and wind managed that kind of destruction, but it doesn't look like a sensible maintenance project either.

emeegee said:
Anybody know what happened to the LFP just south of Fullerton? Sheets of the asphalt 3 inches thick have broken away in huge chunks and they're laying all over the path/beach. I can't imagine that the waves and wind managed that kind of destruction, but it doesn't look like a sensible maintenance project either.

I think it was the storm 2-3 weeks back.  There's places on the path on the south side where debris and rocks have been washed up and moved 20-30 meters in from the lake and on to the path. No damage to the asphalt but it's in quite a bit from the lake.  I can see exposed asphalt being damaged like that especially if water gets under or into it and freezes while it's getting hit by waves.

I had the GREATEST NYE last night after deciding to ride a big circuit around the city and stop at 3 different parties. I biked 20 miles, got caught in sprinkles once, and felt a proper amount of smug as I rolled down Milwaukee and passed hundreds of people trying to flag a cab.


I couldn't have asked for better weather for a night of cycling. Drivers and pedestrians were cool until about 3:30 in the morning on Halsted, then it just got crazy, but I was home and warming up by 4:00 am and still high on starting the year on my bike.


Awesome!! What a way to ride in the new year!

Leah Jone said:

I had the GREATEST NYE last night after deciding to ride a big circuit around the city and stop at 3 different parties. I biked 20 miles, got caught in sprinkles once, and felt a proper amount of smug as I rolled down Milwaukee and passed hundreds of people trying to flag a cab.


I couldn't have asked for better weather for a night of cycling. Drivers and pedestrians were cool until about 3:30 in the morning on Halsted, then it just got crazy, but I was home and warming up by 4:00 am and still high on starting the year on my bike.


My 39 cm frame junior bike seems to fit in the trunk of cabs.  It's kinda bad since now I have an excuse when I'm tired....


Holly said: ride home? But then my bike's not at home.

I rode last night. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. The weather was so amazing and I managed to miss anything but sprinkling rain.  What a nice change not to wear winter boots and big gloves! By 2:30, I was ready to get home and sleep, but it sure felt like one of those nights when I wished I had further to go. 


Leah--sounds like a perfect evening.


Julie--can't take wheel off with my fenders so I'm pretty sure it won't fit in the trunk. Being tired would be a good enough excuse for me, but my cheapie ways would probably win out and I'd end up just riding through the tiredness.

Looks like it's going to be a nice week to get back to riding after the holiday break: Clear streets, seasonal temperatures and a lot of sun.

Now if I only looked forward to going back to work.

hmm... On my ride 5 minutes ago I heard some laughing a racial epithet and then felt a rock or bottle hit me in the ribs on my left side south a few blocks south of California and North Ave. It kind of hurts but luckily I was wearing more than just my jacket. I kept going...


I don't think living in Humboldt park and my night time riding schedule is working too well.

Happy New Year! Saw several bikers on the way in today; supposed to be a good week weather-wise!


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