Nice first ride in the COLD.


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For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

For more bike commute photos from today before my #&%*%# rear derailleur wheel jammed and I had to do a clickity-clackity ride back home, click here.


It was a beautiful morning for a ride into work. They were spraying fresh oil on the rough grooved part of Roosevelt west of Ashland to ??? (I'm not sure how far it extends west but at least to Damen) when I went by this morning.

For more bike ride photos from tonight, click here.

Some of those are almost "outer space" type photos! Bravo!

For more bike commute photos from this most excellent day, click here.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

Gene, were you out for a long time or just managed to get out long enough for daylight to change to nightlight?  Really neat.

I went out early today to run some errands.  Got caught in a little rain, but got back to the house just as the first lightning and thunder hit.  Timing is everything, as they say!

I had a little adventure today. I took my bike on the metra and got off at Lake Bluff Bewery in ...Lake Bluff. I arrived at dusk, figuring my ride home would be easy. 

Well, 5 or 6 beers and a bratwurst later, I can say that it was probably one of my top 5 awful decisions ever. I stupidly forgot that the McClory/North Shore trail is mostly unlit and winding through foliage. I had an absolutely awful time trying to navigate through pitch black darkness with an insufficient blinky. Add to that the 20 mph wind gusting from the south, and it was probably the worst 30 miles I have ever ridden. Beer, why do you impair my decisions?

Out at 4:00 and back at 6:00, Lisa. I wish I had been out all day.

Lisa Curcio said:

Gene, were you out for a long time or just managed to get out long enough for daylight to change to nightlight?  Really neat.

Paid the fun tax SB Lincoln Sq to Monroe Harbour, looking forward to the ride N after the H.S. Regatta.


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