Nice first ride in the COLD.


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What is the round red building or part of a building in the background on the photo in the post?  Can't place it.  Beautiful sky, reflections, and colors.  And there was a crisp, clean feeling to the air on this morning's ride!

That is a building in the zoo, Lisa. I think it is the top of the barn or maybe a landing dock for space invaders. I just loved this morning's ride. The sun was out, the sky was streaked and patterned and the air was filled with that fall aroma. Mmm mmm mmmmmm.

Lisa Curcio said:

What is the round red building or part of a building in the background on the photo in the post?  Can't place it.  Beautiful sky, reflections, and colors.  And there was a crisp, clean feeling to the air on this morning's ride!

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Cold, but when its sunny it doesn't seem as cold.  Just layer and all is well!

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I rode to the grocery store and back.  Gene--those photos rank right up there with you most amazing photos yet.  I cannot believe the yellow cast to the underside of those clouds.  Did you get a camera with a filter on the lens?

Thank you for the kind words, Lisa. I have a remarkable compact camera that does all the things I do not know how to do anymore. It knows apertures and f-stops and all the other things I used to know but forgot and does them automatically. No lenses. No Photoshop. At night I turn the flash off and it produces stuff like that from tonight. All I worry about is the cold and the composition. The hardest part was staying still enough in a pretty nasty wind.

Those are fantastic Chi Lowe!  Especially that first one.....burrrrr." The second makes me miss Chicago very, very, very much.

Chi Lowe said:

A couple from this comically windy morning.

Is that the new bike?  Looks beautiful!

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Well that was fun, I love a downhill run. Wonder how the headwinds will be tonight.


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