Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I am not looking forward to rain and might very well skip it entirely.

Today was a nice treat. Been wearing less gear and getting around briskly.


Below freezing--gah!

Nice job Holly. One day at a time...

Holly said:

I am not looking forward to rain and might very well skip it entirely.

Today was a nice treat. Been wearing less gear and getting around briskly.


Below freezing--gah!

i ride everyday. don't you?
I do as well, i need a thread that says "You didn't ride today? What's wrong?" ;-) Or "Move it Fat Ass." You know, something motivating. ;-)

Michael Malone said:
i ride everyday. don't you?
Lots of bikes out there this morning.  Excellent!

I was able to get out and do a training ride to highland park. Once the sun came out it helped the salt make mush outta everything. My clothes got soaked with mush from passing cars> I was too cold to continues so I took the Metra home.



I spent the week before Christmas in rainy California, where my hopes of renting a bike were dashed. So yesterday after something like two weeks off my bike, I finally rode. I did dual-mode in the morning, riding to Southport and then taking the train downtown. On my way home from the west loop to Edgewater, I made a pit stop in lake view for dinner.


I find that I'm still avoiding my crash location (Halsted/Chicago), especially now with the bridge out and the detour. So last night I went up Elston to Armitage instead of doing the Larabee detour. Drivers were friendly until my last mile or so between Leland and home on Kenmore.


I had one Taxi do a rolling left turn (didn't trust him to stop, so I yelled at him) and another that got really close next to me and stared me down, when I was trying to take the lane on Kenmore. The bike lane isn't ridable until Ardmore, so I needed to take the lane to stay upright and out of the door zone/slush pile.


Happy to be riding again and happy that most of my layers are figured out. I just need to suck it up and buy a good winter cycling cap and stop messing around with my ears.

Morning commute, 6a, Roscoe Village > Lincoln Ave > Wells > Loop, the slush and melt had froze overnight and I thought the streets were pretty slick! I'm guessing it will be nice when I head back home. The low holiday car traffic is bliss.
28 miles, anyone know why the city stopped plowing the lake front trail south of North ave?

Paul Wroblewski said:
28 miles, anyone know why the city stopped plowing the lake front trail south of North ave?

Depends on which stretch you're referring to.  The part between oak st. and ohio is on a grade and is apparently too  slippery for the plows to get through.  

It was nuts - i musta seen 12 bikes out in my ride down damen. ;-) Yay!

in it to win it said:
Lots of bikes out there this morning.  Excellent!
Out here in the Boones my early 630am ride is mostly quiet, definitely not as cold as before Xmas.  Nice yesterday with all the frosted trees and my hair.  But at nite when i ride home, people are rude, they give you strange looks and as always say your Crazy.  I saw lots of runners out on Wednesday, do they get this attitude? But all and all just love the ride.


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