Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I "rode" Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.


Ha. I was about to say - you look overdressed!


Good commute this morning. It's my first time back on a bike in a week; I was trying to kick a cold that I had picked up. I was starting to get restless.

Does "I 'rode'" = "loved snowmobiling"?

Kevin C said:

I "rode" Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.


I wish, I wish, I wish I could ride today. Blew out my knee skiing. Gonna be a while before I'm on the Madone again. Enjoy, my hardy fellow bikers.



I go to say, after 50 years in this city, I have never seen a "winter" like this one...  gotta love it.

Jim S said:

Good commute this morning. It's my first time back on a bike in a week; I was trying to kick a cold that I had picked up. I was starting to get restless.

Yes it does!

Joe Studer said:

Does "I 'rode'" = "loved snowmobiling"?

Kevin C said:

I "rode" Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.


it has been way to nice the past few days

I WAY overdressed today.  Last Friday I underdressed during the storm and forgot my goggles.  

Lots of standing water in the Lakefront path underpass at Chicago Avenue. I went around to the underpass at the beach so I wouldn't have wet feet all day. Otherwise, it was really peaceful out there on the path this morning.

I so wanted to ride this morning, but the cold I thought I had kicked came back with a vengeance into my chest...Argh.


I knew it had to be a good day to ride when I saw other bike commuters that I had not seen in a long time, if at all.

I rode and even got to be a semi-good Samaritan to someone who had a flat and had nothing to fix it with. Of course, my pump broke, and I had to flag down 2 other cyclists to enlist their aid. Overall, I  felt good about it, and the ride was really nice today as the weather has been so great. Happy to see all the people on the path, and that they were prepared for flats, too LOL


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