Nice first ride in the COLD.


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My ride was less serene than Gene's as I can tell from his photos- but other than the idiot motorist that decided to swerve into my lane with no warning or signal or even clue that there was a cyclist next to her and almost smooshing me, my ride was uneventful and pretty easygoing. I think I need to leave the house earlier and go the extra 2-3 miles to the lake front path. Even if it would add time to my commute, I think it would lessen the aggravation.  I envy you, Gene. 

I go out of my way to get to the LFP as well, just be careful when the temps are flirting with freezing. There can be patches of ice and black ice that are hard to see, especially in the early morning hours.

I ride 3 miles to the LFP so I can ride 10 miles on it without worrying about cars or traffic signals. This distance is longer but my commute times are shorter. Some days I can make it from the north end of the path to Grand ave without putting a foot down and sometimes without having to stop pedaling.

This time of year the path is SO wide open. On my morning commute (6am is) I will only see a couple of cyclists on the path the entire trip.

There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for living and working close to the lakefront path. My Buena/Sheridan to State/Erie commute is 12 miles roundtrip. Chicago has the world's most beautiful playground and I get to play in it daily. The bicycle, work and commute gods have looked favorably upon me, and I thank them ... everyday.

I almost skipped today since yesterday they were predicting freezing rain, but I woke up this morning and it was downgraded to snow, so I am out on my bike!

Alrighty, between Gene's pics and Michael A's advice, LFP here I come : ) I can only imagine the decreased frustration and aggravation is worth the extra mileage.  I'll time it and see how it goes then. I'll take it home tonight, and try it in the morning tomorrow. 

Melanie,  Michael A states it succinctly.  Foster has worked great for me.  Restricted parking next to the curb West of Clark.  It's not striped as a lane and I've had no problem with cars, Lincoln to LFP.  Those low aware drivers can literally wreck your day first thing.  Glad you avoided contact.


Whoops you're already there.

Michael A said:

I ride 3 miles to the LFP so I can ride 10 miles on it without worrying about cars or traffic signals. This distance is longer but my commute times are shorter. 

While I live very close to the LFP, I agree with everything Michael says about riding on the LFP.  I think it is even better living on the south side (as I do), as the LFP is even less congested with runners, other cyclists or other users.  I would continue to ride to the LFP even if I didn't live right next to it.

Michael A said:

I go out of my way to get to the LFP as well, just be careful when the temps are flirting with freezing. There can be patches of ice and black ice that are hard to see, especially in the early morning hours.

I ride 3 miles to the LFP so I can ride 10 miles on it without worrying about cars or traffic signals. This distance is longer but my commute times are shorter. Some days I can make it from the north end of the path to Grand ave without putting a foot down and sometimes without having to stop pedaling.

This time of year the path is SO wide open. On my morning commute (6am is) I will only see a couple of cyclists on the path the entire trip.


I ride buena to chicago avenue via the bike path. I love it. Do you feel like you have each and every bump memorized?
Gene Tenner said:

There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for living and working close to the lakefront path. My Buena/Sheridan to State/Erie commute is 12 miles roundtrip. Chicago has the world's most beautiful playground and I get to play in it daily. The bicycle, work and commute gods have looked favorably upon me, and I thank them ... everyday.

LFP on the south side is awesome. Not only is it peacefully beautiful, it's a lot emptier.

... and every ever-increasing crack, every yelow-rimmed pothole and where the best view is of the albino tree in the small forest behind the totem pole. 'Tis a glorious path we explore, Molly.

Molly said:


I ride buena to chicago avenue via the bike path. I love it. Do you feel like you have each and every bump memorized?
Gene Tenner said:

There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for living and working close to the lakefront path. My Buena/Sheridan to State/Erie commute is 12 miles roundtrip. Chicago has the world's most beautiful playground and I get to play in it daily. The bicycle, work and commute gods have looked favorably upon me, and I thank them ... everyday.

You guys are extremely lucky to have the opportunity to ride the path every day. I'd love to find a job downtown, if only to use the path to commute.


This morning's ride was good, mostly because I got to take my new (to me) Jamis Ventura on her maiden voyage. Oh Lord, how I missed having a road bike. It handles and rides so much differently than my Trek 7.3 FX.


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