Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I accually Did Not ride Today.

I have 62 Miles for February all ready and 619 for the year.

I was in California Monday Thru Thursday and Racked up 119 on those days 511 in January

Nothin' like a swig o' cheap wine to smooth out a ride.

h' said:

Ah, the good ole' Manischevitz Clock Tower!

Gene Tenner said:

Gene your pics are a daily treat!  I heard the lake on my P.M. commute.  Face full of breeze all the way, nice though.  I'm so grateful the Canadians aren't bombing us with arctic air temps this season. 

We got some late sunlight today! I rode the LFP from the Hollywood terminus all the way down to the MSI @ 57th, and then back up again. There were lots of people out today on the north side, but I was happy to have the path almost all to myself south of 31st.

Is ea

Wonderful, beautiful, make me miss Chicago even more, pictures Gene.

ugh. my tired legs and the fairly strong W/SW winds mad my commute crappy. MapMyRide says I average 12 mph. Ouch.

Celtic for yes.  My affirmative responses will be refined through a translator.  ; ) .  

Hey I gotta keep up baby.  You post these wonderful graphics, the heart with a strap on harness, out done yourself sir.  Gene is good for 1k to 8k words without muttering a sound.  That's magic!

Today: हां
h' said:


Steel Driver said:

Is ea

Yes but headwind plus coming down with a cold made for a slow, slow ride. But I've run into a lot of really courteous drivers the last few days- always unexpected and great! 


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