Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Beautiful illustration of how beautiful was the morning ride even though there was a nasty headwind as I headed south!

Gene Tenner said:

This has been a great summer of sunrises, but this morning. Wow!

So glad you captured that.  I was in awe looking both east and west with the shades of pink, red and orange all around, reflecting on the lake and on the buildings.

David Beazley said:

This has been a great summer of sunrises, but this morning. Wow!

Oh my! How did it get to be fall already?

Gene Tenner said:

My work looks out over Chicago's oldest tree arboretum.... I started seeing some red and gold on Thursday (swear there was none on Wednesday.)  I was hoping the weather would continue its "weirdness" theme and somehow Fall would be pushed back a month or two, but now that it's here how can you not like it....

Oh my! How did it get to be fall already?

Gene Tenner said:


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