Nice first ride in the COLD.


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same day as tour de shore - LOVE IT.

I must have missed the memo about the weather. I was fine...

You must be farther west.  No snow at the Daley Center. :-)

AM 9.5 said:

It's snowing in the Loop right now.

Glad I did! A little sprinkle and a light breeze this morning. But the least its not volcanic ash or nuclear fallout, but by now I think there might be enough people who are pissed off enough about a seemingly endless winter to wonder if there is much of a difference......

I rode.  First time for me to just say "F- it, I don't care if it's raining.  I don't care if I have a court appearance.  I'm riding today."  Ever since I got my new wheels in November 2012 (yes, for me that's new), I just want to ride.  And the more I ride, the more I want to ride.  It's like that car ad where the guy puts lipstick on his collar and some perfume but his wife sees right through him and knows all he was doing was driving the car.  I may be slow, and the wind was in my face the whole way, but it was nice out there today.

After hitting snooze a few extra times I was a bit later than normal this morning, meaning I spent all of my ride in a light rain.  I was already not in the best of moods after a cold walk with the dog before I left, if I had been in snow I might have lost it.  But It's not snowing outside my window right now, and I have a ride to look forward to this afternoon, so the thought of calling it a week and having a whiskey are keeping me going until then. 

Don't do it. Just take CTA because once you get on it will be hard to dismount on such a gorgeous day.

Lovely Ladybug. 

Gene Tenner said:

Easy to get on the bike and ride today. 

Hard to get off the bike and come into work.

Glad the Chicago Classic Coach bus #663 who cut me off in traffic and took the bike lane for no good reason on Madison did not actually hit me.


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