Nice first ride in the COLD.


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YES!!! the last time I had to take transit, it took way longer, I was way colder, and I couldn't stand it.  I did that for years, and now I've commuted by bicycle for years, and I hope I never have to go back to the train.  Compared to bikin' it, sittin on a stinky train car for an eternity is awful.  And I'm so used to  moving at my own pace and hardly ever waiting for anything save the occasional intersection to clear up(I'm spoiled), that standing in one place for fifteen minutes waiting to transfer is very frustrating.
We all have an inner Beast... said:

Almost 3 yrs straight.

Man, that was the longest hour of my life !!! I do not understand how the people on the bus can sit there each and every day with the same drole faces/people on the bus. That is just flippin' torture !!!

1 hour, or more = Bus

Under 40 mins = Bike

No contest.

Welcome to the fat side.  I too, used to be a skinny tired, single speeder.  Then I experienced fatness and gears.  I haven't gone back since.

Ride was nice, got to use my rain gear, but was wet from sweating in my rain gear by the time got to work.  I have yet to really benefit from my rain gear, but I guess its like insurance, one of these days I might really need it.
EssFresh said:

Took the "Barge" on it's first rain ride this morning and it went down a treat. Big tires and front fenders, why did I resist for so long? Minus the light rain, the weather is perfect for riding.  


There is also full-fendered fixie fatness. :-)

Robert Underwood said:

Welcome to the fat side.  I too, used to be a skinny tired, single speeder.  Then I experienced fatness and gears.  I haven't gone back since.

Aha, touché.

Lovely ride this morning. I enjoyed the warm rain. 

Stayed dry and comfy thanks to the full fendered fatness (i like that!), shoe covers, and water proof knickers. I brought an extra layer in my bag in fear of the snow tonight. 

What are those waterproof knickers called or where might I get some?  my rain pants are full length and I don't really need that all the time, along with the fact that I like the shorter length when its warmer.
Kelvin Mulcky said:

Lovely ride this morning. I enjoyed the warm rain. 

Stayed dry and comfy thanks to the full fendered fatness (i like that!), shoe covers, and water proof knickers. I brought an extra layer in my bag in fear of the snow tonight. 

Shower's Pass convertible rain pants. 

Was not expecting snow today(or should I just expect snow every day?)! Probably be all melted by the time many of you start out. Large Marge the Barge handled it like a champ.



"Scattered Flurries" my ass.

Note that Clark between Foster and Berwyn is closed for traffic today, due to removal of a water tower.

This morning, I was able to ride by on the sidewalk, but I would think that will be closed as well at some point.

Glenwood is good alternative Northbound.

I managed to ride right through even though there was a flagman standing there. I had no idea this was happening until I got there. There were a couple news vans in there. I went through around 5:15.


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