Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Well, I guess I had a pretty easy ride, 'cept for a little stretch on Clark coming up north to Ashland were the cars were backed with little space between them and the parked cars AND some fairly matured pot holes hoping to catch me off guard.  I did some zig-zag-cat-like-reflex-action and made it through ok.  but the rest of clark was pretty clear of stuff.  Only one big white van gave me attitude but I stayed calm and kept on my line.  As soon as I was clearly passed in front of him he was able to make his right turn and was instantly overwhelmed with a satisfaction so great that he exploded... or why would he have been so anxious for me to get out of his way? 

Over-layered, sweaty and happy. Good late morning ride. 

Fresh tracks!

(Cyclists and runners must unite to defeat winter!)

Dedcided against the ride today. Saw two hard core individuals out, one on Milwaukee and one on Elston. They both were stuggling and extra slidey. Hope this is the last of this endless snow.

Took the Metra. Glad I did. Streets looked quite bad. Did see two Divvy riders downtown, including one who was performing an impressive trackstand in front of Ogilvie.

   It's a gooood thing it's snowing again. We needed more snow.

Rode a few miles from Lincoln Square to Edgewater. Wasn't as bad as I feared. The snow slows down the drivers.

Took the Metra today and was surprised to see the streets downtown (that I would have been riding on had I biked) as bad as they were. They didn't look plowed at all. It looked survivable with a slightly flattened tire, but it would have been a long slog by bike this morning. I'm reasonably confident I'll find it more rideable by tomorrow, though.

My ride started out ok until I crossed Howard going north into E-slop-town.  I passed a long line of cars next to the cemetery in what used to be the bike lane.  lots of slipping and sliding and bouncing.  Had to walk my bike through a few bad spots.  lots of camouflaged pot holes and ice chunks.  I think skinny tires would have cut through the snow better than my fat ones, but they would have been trashed up against the pot holes and ice chunks that I hit a few times.  the last couple miles I just took the lane cause the cars were going slower than me anyway. 

I wiiiiiiiiiiish I had a fat bike.  FAT BIKE BABY!!! 
The Grizz said:

   It's a gooood thing it's snowing again. We needed more snow.

I haven't ridden yet this week.

We sold our house and tentatively close on April 1. I fear I will not see our daffodils and tulips come up this spring... :-(


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