Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I've been riding all streets lately because it's faster and less icy, but usually half of my ride is on the LFT.

Simon Phearson said:

Your route is kind of mixed, isn't it, between the LFP and streets? I get a benefit in that 80% of my commute is on the LFP, so I can get into a zone and just warm up as I go. I'm not sure it'd be as easy if I had to stop for stoplights and deal with traffic the whole way. My office is about a mile off the LFP, so while I'm just cooling down in the mornings, in the evenings I'm pretty chilly until I get to the trail and start accelerating. 

Adam Herstein said:

Must be nice. Meanwhile, I'm still freezing my ass off. :-)

Simon Phearson said:

I'm finding that I barely notice - or maybe it's remember - the cold any more. I just get up, and in my early-morning half-awareness, I move mechanically to put on my gear. And then, once the routine is underway, I automatically just go outside and dive in. It's a weird mental space - do I feel cold? I think that I do, at first. But I can hardly remember feeling the cold, reflecting back now. 

These are my snowflakes.  There are many like them, but these are mine.  First Tracks!  Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Video: One minute along Belmont Harbor; Click here.

You are absolutely right. I usually take the city streets and am often chilly for a while. I get to work with no sweat on me. When  I take the LFP I bike so much faster - and work so much harder given the wind = that I get sweaty, warm and a much better workout. Much prefer the LFP.

Simon Phearson said:

Your route is kind of mixed, isn't it, between the LFP and streets? I get a benefit in that 80% of my commute is on the LFP, so I can get into a zone and just warm up as I go. I'm not sure it'd be as easy if I had to stop for stoplights and deal with traffic the whole way. My office is about a mile off the LFP, so while I'm just cooling down in the mornings, in the evenings I'm pretty chilly until I get to the trail and start accelerating. 

Adam Herstein said:

Must be nice. Meanwhile, I'm still freezing my ass off. :-)

Simon Phearson said:

I'm finding that I barely notice - or maybe it's remember - the cold any more. I just get up, and in my early-morning half-awareness, I move mechanically to put on my gear. And then, once the routine is underway, I automatically just go outside and dive in. It's a weird mental space - do I feel cold? I think that I do, at first. But I can hardly remember feeling the cold, reflecting back now. 

Freezing out there tonight. My hands  froze on a 15 minute ride. Anybody else bike tonight at around 10?

Good ride this morning. No wind, roads were clear with the bike lanes partially clear. Saw more folks out riding then I have in weeks. Maybe a protest to this endless winter?

Heading south on LFP to the loop this am. Saw just one other cyclist and only 20 runners/walkers. Sections of the path were totally covered with snow.

  Snow is fun & all...I suppose cold is better than scorching...but, sigh, oh to ride fast shorts & a t-shirt...or no shirt (if you're dumb like me).

I got 120+ miles in during the last two weeks ... not here, mind you, too damn cold for me.

Maui's got some decent roads to ride on.

Cant wait to take the LFT home this evening.  I took Clark this morning.  Lovely ride, not too much snow to make it difficult to ride but enjoyed seeing the big flakes floating everywhere.  And of course I wore my trusty goggles.  not much wind either which is always nice.

I rode today. Fell off my bike when my tire got caught in a gash in the road on Wells. I also was threatened by two motorists at once, and subsequently was pulled over by a cop after yelling at them. The woman told me I "almost caused an accident" and recommended I get run over by a car.

Fun times.


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