Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I'm one of those crazy nuts who go biking super-early in the morning.   Spring is coming if only for the fact that sunrise is slowly getting earlier and earlier ;-). 

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

Welcome David, and neat photo.  But I am not sure what about it makes you think spring will come. :-)

David Beazley said:

It's my first post, so I figured I'd introduce myself with a picture from yesterday's pre-dawn ride.  This is Lake Michigan from Kenilworth.  Maybe it's a sign that spring will come.  Maybe.  Eventually. 

great point Lisa. I am riding home today for the first time since November. hip hip hooray for chainlink and

(the cool people at ancien) and CHIDIT*R*D BIKE MARSHALLS !!!!! you'all know who you are...he he he he

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

First time in a while that I tried side streets.  Other than the ice that is still blocking most of the bike lane on Augusta and the craters of the moon on Hubbard, not too bad.There is one good thing about those potholes--it slows MOST drivers down.

I've been waiting for this a long time... I'm the first person this morning to post that I rode this morning.  YIPEE!!  unless someone posts before I'm done typing.  It was colder this morning, thankfully wore my goggles, roads fine except the everlasting ice mounds. Also, is it just me or is it always a headwind when going north?  seems like I get a tail wind once every blue moon on my morning ride which is north from uptown to Evanston.  oh well makes ones legs stronger.

My morning commute is always a straight shot north, too, and I agree - it almost always feels like I'm riding into a headwind. And then the wind almost always seems to shift out of the south for my evening commute. I swear that's about 50% of my daily commutes - headwinds going both ways. Tailwinds both ways are extremely rare, and usually happen only if a front has come through. Any more I just hope that the wind will be primarily out of the west.

But I may also just be a wimp.

Robert Underwood said:

I've been waiting for this a long time... I'm the first person this morning to post that I rode this morning.  YIPEE!!  unless someone posts before I'm done typing.  It was colder this morning, thankfully wore my goggles, roads fine except the everlasting ice mounds. Also, is it just me or is it always a headwind when going north?  seems like I get a tail wind once every blue moon on my morning ride which is north from uptown to Evanston.  oh well makes ones legs stronger.

Nah, you aint a wimp...  I have thought the same thing about it being a tailwind both ways... thinking to myself as I leave work, "Wasn't this wind blowing against me this morning too?! what the heck!!"  And I notice all the smiley cyclists going the other way at 20mph and I'm doin 5. 
Simon Phearson said:

My morning commute is always a straight shot north, too, and I agree - it almost always feels like I'm riding into a headwind. And then the wind almost always seems to shift out of the south for my evening commute. I swear that's about 50% of my daily commutes - headwinds going both ways. Tailwinds both ways are extremely rare, and usually happen only if a front has come through. Any more I just hope that the wind will be primarily out of the west.

But I may also just be a wimp.

Robert Underwood said:

I've been waiting for this a long time... I'm the first person this morning to post that I rode this morning.  YIPEE!!  unless someone posts before I'm done typing.  It was colder this morning, thankfully wore my goggles, roads fine except the everlasting ice mounds. Also, is it just me or is it always a headwind when going north?  seems like I get a tail wind once every blue moon on my morning ride which is north from uptown to Evanston.  oh well makes ones legs stronger.

Waning crescent moon and Venus over Baha'i.   This is why one rides all winter.  Yes.   (Best I could get with my camera phone).  

A bracing but pleasant ride this morning with minimal ice and increasing sunlight - I love commuting in during the sunrise. Astonished to see (at approximately 6 a.m.) absolutely no one on the LFP south of Navy Pier. It's not that cold, people!

Trying to muscle up the courage to get in the bike today. If you biked in today, tell me how awesome you felt when you got in. I need some inspiration today to put on layers and not hop in the train ( which takes the same amount of time anyways).

Do I need goggles? I don't have any now.

Nice moon and star picture!  I saw five or six cyclists on n. clark this morn.  I agree its not that cold.  What if we all lived in Alaska? or Minnesota? :)  Still, on these colder days I'm glad I have my goggles. and my balaclavas. and my mittens. and my thick wool socks. 

I've been riding all week and it's been cold but not as bad as earlier in the year. I don't ride on the LFT so I have no use for goggles.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Trying to muscle up the courage to get in the bike today. If you biked in today, tell me how awesome you felt when you got in. I need some inspiration today to put on layers and not hop in the train ( which takes the same amount of time anyways).
I felt awesome, totally awesome! I love how warm it makes me feel seeing those pour souls freezing their patutes off waiting for the number 22 bus in their feeble Plexiglas shelters. "Ha!" I say. I'm warm, you're a popsicle!
I rode down Clark from Evanston today instead of taking LFT. Switched bikes too (my fixed gear is geared a bit high for this weather). I only gave up my tire studs, but there was really no ice, so it was all good.
Do I need goggles? I don't have any now.
I don't own goggles. I rode with one of those caps that fits over your whole head, letting your eyes and nose peek out. I wore a pair of sunglasses (with their clear lenses installed) to protect my eyes from the tear-inducing wind.
There, now go hop on that bike Julie!


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