Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yes, riding fast is fun, but you should be careful, especially on ice.  
The Grizz said:

My ride was pretty good, too. No wind at all. Winter is fun & all, but I am looking forward to not wearing so many clothes (chafing action on the inner thighs is crampin' my good times) & riding fast again.
Yes, Robert. Hence the adverb "again". Right now I'm mostly riding slow. Thanks for the advice, though. Even with studded tires I slipped some this morning. With the thaw/freeze there's ice action everywhere.

I was sweating today, guess I overdressed.

I would have to say I was almost perfectly dressed for the temp... except my head was hot, but I had on two balaclavas...  but with only one id have had a cold head.  I guess Id rather have a hot head than a cold one. 

 Julie Hochstadter said:

I was sweating today, guess I overdressed.

Today absolutely sucked, even with studded tires.
The Grizz said:

Yes, Robert. Hence the adverb "again". Right now I'm mostly riding slow. Thanks for the advice, though. Even with studded tires I slipped some this morning. With the thaw/freeze there's ice action everywhere.
We're the "poor schmucks" as J.P. so lovingly put it a few days ago (in a different thread).

?? This seems like a very strange approach. Why not just pull over and stop when you hear a siren approaching, rather than waiting until the last second and forcing the emergency vehicle's driver to contend with your disregard of the siren?

Robert Underwood said:

Its a bit hard looking backwards and trying to figure out if you should pull over or not while hearing the siren approach.  I try not to stop until I know its going past me.  Otherwise I waste precious seconds not moving.

Robert Underwood said:

Had fire truck behind me for a second but it turned just before passing me.  Its a bit hard looking backwards and trying to figure out if you should pull over or not while hearing the siren approach.  I try not to stop until I know its going past me.  Otherwise I waste precious seconds not moving.

This is akin to a problem in the software business known as "premature optimization". Why would you risk getting run over by a fire truck just to save a couple seconds? Put another way, wouldn't you rather get to work in one piece, a few seconds late, instead of risking not getting to work at all?

"Get it right first. Then make it fast."

In my defense, it wasn't really "just" behind me... like half a block away.  I was stopped when it turned.  At that point it was about 300 feet behind me when it "turned just before passing me".  I totally respect emergency vehicles.  I always stop before they pass me! 

I am an emergency vehicle. Get outta my way! :) Last night on my way home I had my lights in flash mode & a car flashed their lights at me rapidly. Ha!

I'm planning to walk today, but could end up riding to save time depending on how my time management goes over the next hour (have to shovel...)


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