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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Taking freewheels apart is more trouble than it's worth. I have a cheapo ultrasonic cleaner. A few passes through that, and it's clean as a whistle. After it dries, I dribble chain lube in from the back side. Good as new.

I've not tried an IGH in my ultrasonic cleaner, but I see no particular reason it wouldn't work, assuming you don't have any broken pawl springs or other parts inside. Probably need to take more care to make sure the water and gunk drains out of it.

Robert Underwood said:

I have a three speed IGH, but it needs to be overhauled.  Right now its to gummed up to use.  So my freewheel probably needs some cleaning, that's why its freezing up you say.  I think I could figure that out if I had the right tool to get it apart.  I wanted to do that on the last one but the lady at the LBS(work location) said just buy a new one.  So I did.  that was only last summer. now its probably gunked up already.  it was only thirty dollars but Id like to know how to take it apart and clean it either way. 

Ill have to look into ultrasonic cleaners.  I've never even heard of them.  sounds awesome. 

Clear and not very windy on the LFP this morning. Saw one other cyclist heading south. So happy to be riding again after a two day break.


Great news! You know it has been cold when checking the weather and seeing "9 degrees" actually makes you excited. 

Slow ride this morning, mainly due to heavy traffic on the northside with not enough room between the cars and the snow pack in the bike lane.  I left a little late and was surprised by the traffic congestion on Wilson and Clark (and Montrose too).

Anybody have trouble riding home last night?  I was out during the day and the streets were wet from the direct sunlight, but I was wondering if the moisture froze after sunset.

Not difficult for me last night.  Not particularly difficult this morning. Short commute with studded tires, though. My worst problem at the moment is street closings along and close to my route with water work (freezing related?) as a major factor.

That is amazing! Please share with us more specifics on how you keep your feet, hands and face warm. Do you wear goggles? Do you look like an Apollo astronaut or a Ninja on a bike? Do you take Kryptonite injections or just infuse yourself with several hot toddies before embarking? Inquiring minds want to know.

ChiBikeGeek said:

So amazed and pleased that I've managed to stay on a bike all winter. Polar Vortex I & II haven't kept me away at all, but they have cemented vented ripstop nylon on top of merino as the ultimate cold weather heat / moisture management strategy.

Actually, kryptonite injections would kill even superman, but actually I don't know what it does to humans.  cant be good if it kills superman it would probably make us sick at least.  I shot triflow into my freezing freewheel and this morning it did not freeze at all.  who knew you could lube a freewheel.  thanks for the tip... someone mentioned dripping lube into the freewheel.  Id never thought of that.  but... I aint superman.  (But I... "wish I could fly super man!... super man, super man... I wish I could fly like superman!!!!!!" -the Kinks)  I wish I could go home already, like superman, not flying, rather riding my bike like superman, with plenty of kryptonite gel packs to keep me goin.

But how would you inject him?? ;)

Robert Underwood said:

Actually, kryptonite injections would kill even superman,

yet another long term thread I now will no longer be following


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