Nice first ride in the COLD.


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glad all are ok for the most part,,it was a slippery ride home tonight. especially riding on the bike lane on elston where parts are tilted toward the curve. managed to make it home completely upright. stay safe amigos!

Went down hard on Halsted. Hit my head hard but that's why we wear helmets! I have a little headache but it could be a lot worse. Had a few people check on me after the fall... it's nice to know there are still decent people out there. I've ridden EVERY day for over three years and have never fallen. I managed to finish the ride upright and got to see a young college kid wipe out on the sidewalk bringing a pizza home. Hope everyone is staying safe!
Yikes, that's scary! Glad you're okay! Make sure to replace that helmet — they're one time use only.

Barclor said:
Went down hard on Halsted. Hit my head hard but that's why we wear helmets! I have a little headache but it could be a lot worse. Had a few people check on me after the fall... it's nice to know there are still decent people out there. I've ridden EVERY day for over three years and have never fallen. I managed to finish the ride upright and got to see a young college kid wipe out on the sidewalk bringing a pizza home. Hope everyone is staying safe!

Tonight reminded me why I usually don't ride on snow days. Slippery ride home. Luckily my cargo bike has patented flat-foot technology. It saved me once from falling

Glad to hear everyone is more or less okay.

If you survive Bike Fall, Bike Winter is a breeze!

Please don't say fall! Went down hard myself just shy of montrose, and I'm kicking myself for it. Landed on my left side so hard I spent two+ hours in the ER making sure I didn't break a rib after touching base at home. Ow. Nothing broken, but I think me and my new painkillers will be taking an extra couple of days off this week.

Put  set of Schwalbe Marathon studded tires on a couple o weeks ago.  Bit more drag, and they sound like Rice Krispies, but they just ate the ice and snow up tonight.  Steady as  a rock. Only problem as when I had to put my foot down.  May be time to look into toe spikes. 

Thanks guys.

According to this news article 32 salt trucks are out there...

Julie Hochstadter said:

I'm sorry Minh.

h' $550 said:

Glad you didn't break anything.

Nice first ride in the ICE.

I planned ahead and got my fall out of the way back in October when I missed jumping a curb and broke a rib. Tonight I just took it really slow and managed to stay upright.

From "While You Were Sleeping" right?? Man that was the funniest few seconds of that movie.

I took part of the traffic lane on sections of Fullerton and Clybourn on the way home. People were pretty curteous (it being slippery EVERYWHERE) and I gave a lot of Thank You waves all the way home.

Took Dearborn then Clark home.  Very slippery.  The protected lane was covered in icy snow.  Had a few near falls on Clark in Lincoln Park.  Rode past the Biden motorcade.  It was most slippery on the lane and crosswalk paint (saw a couple of peds nearly wipe out on the brick crosswalks).  The city got caught napping on the salt.  I was glad to have another rider with me when we took the lane on most of Clark.  Cars were taking it slow too.  We were keeping up with traffic most of the time; stayed in the line of cars at stoplights too.  No real hassles from drivers.  The bike lane was clearly iced over.  

Made me laugh to think of the latest Key & Peele: “That’s right, Marci. Keep your loved ones safe and warn them to stay off the streets at night because of menacing life-robbing black black ice.” "But the oppressive white snow keeps all people from advancing"


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