Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yep. A friend is borrowing my Divvy fob, otherwise I would have just locked my ride up at Addison and continued on a Divvy. 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Divvy is a good backup bike, too.

Duppie said:

If you ever needed an excuse to get a second bike for commuting, this is it. Act on it.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:


Montrose to Addison.  Back caliper LOCKED up hard.  Rode dragging brake back home (not fun), changed and got on the train...

Unplanned trip to UBS tonight...

You're missing the point here. 'Course Divvy is a good backup. So is the train.

But it was a good reason. You should have acted on it.

I bought a new saddle today. Why? Because it is Wednesday. All the reason I needed...

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Yep. A friend is borrowing my Divvy fob, otherwise I would have just locked my ride up at Addison and continued on a Divvy. 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Divvy is a good backup bike, too.

Duppie said:

If you ever needed an excuse to get a second bike for commuting, this is it. Act on it.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:


Montrose to Addison.  Back caliper LOCKED up hard.  Rode dragging brake back home (not fun), changed and got on the train...

Unplanned trip to UBS tonight...

Jenn_5.5 mi said:

Do you leave them on your bike all the time (in the winter weather)? I really need to understand how these work!  Are they easy on/off to take with you when you lock up? 

I don't have a lock-up issue (secure parking in the building at work and basement at home), so I leave them on through the winter, but they do come off pretty easily. Takes a couple minutes.

They make two types, one for drop bars, one for flat bars. I just switched from one bike to another, so will now be using the drop bar mitts. I may decide to get rid of my flat bar mitts, but probably won't decide for the next week or two.

I rode today, and had a lovely exchange with a man in an SUV, because I was safely riding in the street.

You're a Jaggoff from Adam Herstein on Vimeo.

It's pretty clear to me from that video that you are a jaggoff and you're lucky that guy didn't escalate the situation. 

Though if the situation had escalated, it would have made for some terrific video. GoPro: Out...

Kelvin Mulcky said:

It's pretty clear to me from that video that you are a jaggoff and you're lucky that guy didn't escalate the situation. 

yea aside from him speeding after the videos initial conflict. I didn't see any excessive behavior from him. Best just to flip the bird and be on your way.

Adam, you initiated that argument, and it became pointless the moment you called him an idiot 10 words into the confrontation. Next time just remind him that you have the same rights to the road, and he needs to give you 3ft (which it looks like he did). 

How's he a jagoff, Kevin?

For riding in the traffic lane, to avoid the door zone? (Entirely legal, btw, and a generally good practice)

For not "sucking it up" when the SUV driver cussed him out for doing so? 

For not "sucking it up" when the driver pulled in front of him and then "brake-checked" him?  (A form of harassment, btw, that motorbikers in NYC have been indicted for, and which the DA there seems to feel justified the "harassee" running them over).

For confronting the driver after he hada done so? For not buying the motorist's BS that he "was just looking out for him?"  

I also wonder what makes you so confident that Adam's the "lucky one?" that "the guy didn't escalate the situation."  He DID escalate the situation when he effectively challenged Adam to a fight.  Personally, I think the SUV driver didn't look like a prize-fighter to me, so much as an over-entitled asshole, and I would've put 5 bucks on Adam. 


Let me guess, Adam: You're an "avid cyclist," but "these guys who ride on the streets are out of control." 



Kevin C said:

Though if the situation had escalated, it would have made for some terrific video. GoPro: Out...

Kelvin Mulcky said:

It's pretty clear to me from that video that you are a jaggoff and you're lucky that guy didn't escalate the situation. 

I'm not sure if you intended to direct this comment to me or to Kelvin, but since my comment was included in your response, I'll be happy to take a swing at it (if you'll pardon the expression).

In my opinion, living and riding a bike in a big city is best accomplished with a certain thicker-skinned temperament. By their very nature, big cities have a lot of people in them, and you will be confronted on an almost daily basis with situations where other people are in your way. Some of those situations will be threatening and some will be incidental. The particular event depicted in Adam's video does not strike me as being particularly threatening. If it were me, I would have avoided the SUV and both literally and figuratively, moved on. Adam's decision to "educate" the driver about what Adam perceived to be threatening, or illegal or crazy driving, accomplished nothing other than left another driver with the impression that people on bikes are jagoffs.  

Rich Evans said:

How's he a jagoff, Kevin?

For riding in the traffic lane, to avoid the door zone? (Entirely legal, btw, and a generally good practice)

For not "sucking it up" when the SUV driver cussed him out for doing so? 

For not "sucking it up" when the driver pulled in front of him and then "brake-checked" him?  (A form of harassment, btw, that motorbikers in NYC have been indicted for, and which the DA there seems to feel justified the "harassee" running them over).

For confronting the driver after he hada done so? For not buying the motorist's BS that he "was just looking out for him?"  

I also wonder what makes you so confident that Adam's the "lucky one?" that "the guy didn't escalate the situation."  He DID escalate the situation when he effectively challenged Adam to a fight.  Personally, I think the SUV driver didn't look like a prize-fighter to me, so much as an over-entitled asshole, and I would've put 5 bucks on Adam. 


Let me guess, Adam: You're an "avid cyclist," but "these guys who ride on the streets are out of control." 



Kevin C said:

Though if the situation had escalated, it would have made for some terrific video. GoPro: Out...

Kelvin Mulcky said:

It's pretty clear to me from that video that you are a jaggoff and you're lucky that guy didn't escalate the situation. 

This is the same guy who held up traffic on Lincoln for two miles and wrote: Am I being too aggressive by riding in the middle of the lane?

 See Adam's thread here

He did not give me three feet, instead passed withing inches while honking and yelling out his window that I'm gonna get run over. If that's not threatening, I don't know what is. Do you honestly want me to ride along the parked cars and risk getting doored instead? If this man cannot handle waiting one block for me, then he does not deserve a license to operate a motor vehicle.


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