Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yesterday, now, but I rode about 35 miles having gone to the new South Lake Shore Drive extension and explored the park at 87th street a bit.  Amazing how little traffic there is, and so nice to ride on brand new pavement.

Today, of course I am riding to work.

Dang windy this morning. indicates this strong southerly wind will be with us for a couple more days.


Leg burn


Back on the bike after a week off (tattoo work, screwy schedule, bike getting tuned and cleaned), right into a nice headwind for about half my ride.  Feels good though!

Also kind of strange to have the sun come up again early in my ride after a couple of weeks of locking up in the dark.

Those are luminous!

Gene Tenner said:

So when is your coffee table book coming out. Love the pics.

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

Those are luminous!

Gene Tenner said:

Thanks, Lisa. Their luninosity comes from the hours each morning that I spend setting up lights for just the right shot. Davo, the coffee table book will come out as soon as I get a coffee table myself; living in a dumpster can make for some tough furniture choices.

Back to shorts and t-shirt today. Refreshing. Seeing lots of differences in clothing choices in this weather. I was puzzled by the guy in fleece jacket and fleece balaclava today.

Don't you wonder what that person will wear when it gets cold?
JeffB (7+ miles) said:

Back to shorts and t-shirt today. Refreshing. Seeing lots of differences in clothing choices in this weather. I was puzzled by the guy in fleece jacket and fleece balaclava today.

I met this guy last night on my way home on the LFP. While I rode by, he was just getting into a recycling garbage can.


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