Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Gene, your pictures are peaceful and beautiful.

Thank you, Lisa. This has been interesting weather and light to take photos in. I am taking fewer photos but more of the ones I like. I like peaceful.

I thought I saw you at Bike the Drive, but your bike was red, so I knew it was not you.

Nice ride this AM.  Thought I was gonna get caught in heavy rain but was just a steady mist.  And now I have a wonderful afternoon ride to look forward to.

Nothing like wearing sandals in a downpour, riding through 3" deep puddles and having the lukewarm water stream over your toes.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

I rode a couple of hours in a steady cold drizzle this morning.  Yuk.  Then my tires slid out from under me over a thickly painted manhole cover.  I smacked my hip & shoulder and cracked my helmet, but all things considered, I feel ok.  Luckily, I have another helmet, so I can ride to work tomorrow.

Gene, with the weather the way it was, I don't know how you got those photos.  Jen, ouch!  At least tomorrow the weather is supposed to be better.


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