Nice first ride in the COLD.


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TK, I agree. Albeit Cermac is not really southside. I got slashed in the face a few months ago and had my entire face swell up. Couldn't even open my eyes.

I rode but took a couple of prolonged stops under the Ogden western train bridge and such.

Adam - having relatively recently slipped a disc and gone through rehab, the panniers did the trick - however riding in the rain and turning my head to look out for traffic exacerbates it. I got back out to early on the bike and should have listened to PT/md. Not saying gonna be your case since I'm a broken fuddie duddie, but a word of self regret.

T.K. 6.5 mi said:

I question this. The ride this morning was mostly refreshing, except for random horrible stenches here and there (might be because of my southside, industrial-heavy, route). I have this growing suspicion that riding through a puddle in the city and splashing the water onto myself subtracts a few days off of my life each time. Something equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes. The problem is that it is so much fun!

Hopefully it wont happen too much longer, full SKS Chromoplastic fenders are being installed on my commuter this week. :)

John Wilson 6.0 said:

It's just water.

Yeah, hopefully it's not too bad and I'll be back riding next week. I feel about 90% today, but don't want to push my luck quite yet. I'm pretty sure I hurt myself twisting around while riding, trying to turn on my light that was attached to my backpack.

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

Adam - having relatively recently slipped a disc and gone through rehab, the panniers did the trick - however riding in the rain and turning my head to look out for traffic exacerbates it. I got back out to early on the bike and should have listened to PT/md. Not saying gonna be your case since I'm a broken fuddie duddie, but a word of self regret. 

I was speaking of the stuff falling from the sky. As far as what you ride through...YMMV.

T.K. 6.5 mi said:

I question this. The ride this morning was mostly refreshing, except for random horrible stenches here and there (might be because of my southside, industrial-heavy, route). I have this growing suspicion that riding through a puddle in the city and splashing the water onto myself subtracts a few days off of my life each time. Something equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes. The problem is that it is so much fun!

Hopefully it wont happen too much longer, full SKS Chromoplastic fenders are being installed on my commuter this week. :)

John Wilson 6.0 said:

It's just water.

Problem I have with puddles is that you never know what they're hiding.  Got most of my flats riding through them. 

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

TK, I agree. Albeit Cermac is not really southside. I got slashed in the face a few months ago and had my entire face swell up. Couldn't even open my eyes.

I rode but took a couple of prolonged stops under the Ogden western train bridge and such.

Adam - having relatively recently slipped a disc and gone through rehab, the panniers did the trick - however riding in the rain and turning my head to look out for traffic exacerbates it. I got back out to early on the bike and should have listened to PT/md. Not saying gonna be your case since I'm a broken fuddie duddie, but a word of self regret.

T.K. 6.5 mi said:

I question this. The ride this morning was mostly refreshing, except for random horrible stenches here and there (might be because of my southside, industrial-heavy, route). I have this growing suspicion that riding through a puddle in the city and splashing the water onto myself subtracts a few days off of my life each time. Something equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes. The problem is that it is so much fun!

Hopefully it wont happen too much longer, full SKS Chromoplastic fenders are being installed on my commuter this week. :)

John Wilson 6.0 said:

It's just water.

someone remind me why I decided not to ride today?!?  what should have taken me 30 minutes to bike took 50 in a cab and $25 :((  And now I have to navigate around the city via public transit instead of a 10 minute bike ride.

A 50-minute cab ride cost you only $25?

What was short, the trail or the gal? :-)

Morgan 6 mi said:

Thanks to the gal on corner that gave me the direction to the trail (very, very short but helpful.)

Welcome back Mr. Winter, you sorry @(#*&!


Today's wind even had some lighter weight cars on the 18th street bridge moving laterally. Going north on western up to Ogden with 60# in the panniers was a tabata fartlek quad destroyer ragamuffin!

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Welcome back Mr. Winter, you sorry @(#*&!

Wasn't raining too bad when I left, but by the time I got into the loop it was pouring. 2 days in a row I'm drip drying off at my desk :)

I had a great ride in today.  Unlike grayn8, I rode in southbound, so had an amazing tailwind.  According to My Tracks, my top speed was nearly 26mph, likely on that nice straight stretch of LFT between Fullerton and LaSalle.  My ragamuffin workout will be on the way home.

The weather forecast seems to have kept a lot of people off their bikes and out of their running shoes.  I didn't see that many bikes on the LFT and the running populace seemed to be reduced as well.

A colleague asked me if riding in was difficult this morning. No, I was headed south.  But this afternoon when the wind gusts are forecast to be over 30 MPH will be NASTY.  Luckily got here just before the real rain started and also saw many fewer cyclists.


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