Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Lucked out today. Managed to put in 25 miles after work, without getting really wet.

Managed to ride about 25 mostly south on the LFP down to Promontory Point.  Despite the cool weather, there were lots and lots of "Bobby's Bike Hike" and "Bike and Roll" bikes out there.  I had to laugh to myself because they were all headed south with the tailwind as I was riding into that northwest wind, and I know they were going to have to turn around! ;-)

Did 62 miles to Lake Bluff via North Branch trail and Skokie valley trail. It struck me that 62 mile has now become a short ride in my off-weekend since I am training for RAIL.

After 3+ years of riding to/from work, I hit my first pedestrian today.  Headphones in.  Face buried in his iPhone.  Walked into the Dearborn PBL without looking.

No injuries - somehow he didn't even spill his coffee.

The exact same thing happened to me a few months ago. Of course, he blamed me.

blair_ said:

After 3+ years of riding to/from work, I hit my first pedestrian today.  Headphones in.  Face buried in his iPhone.  Walked into the Dearborn PBL without looking.

No injuries - somehow he didn't even spill his coffee.

Did he at least apologize?

Nothing unusual on my way to work today other than I probably should have worn a long sleeve jersey under my wind jacket.

blair_ said:

After 3+ years of riding to/from work, I hit my first pedestrian today.  Headphones in.  Face buried in his iPhone.  Walked into the Dearborn PBL without looking.

No injuries - somehow he didn't even spill his coffee.

was he mad ? yikes what a way to start the week.

I was behind a cyclist that hit a ped two weeks ago on Clinton just north of Ogilvie; the cyclist got blamed,

even though he was in the bike lane and 100% legal (didn't blow a red light, etc.) the ped just walked in

without looking. I hit a guy in a suit couple of years ago who was jaywalking and texting in front of

Ogilvie trying to cross madison completely removed from any crosswalk. he was angry to tried to get

violent until I drew my u-lock and picked up the bike and used it as a shield. welcome to the club.

He remained silent until he was almost to the other side of the street.  Really odd.  He mumbled something, but I didn't stick around to figure out what it was.

I yelled out "Jesus Christ!  Are you kidding me?!" right before I hit him.  If he heard me over his headphones, I think I got my point across.


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