Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I rode to work, and locked up at my super secret, semi-secure, sheltered from the elements parking area. When I approached my bike after work, I could immediately tell that my rear tire was flat.

Well, there's your problem. Maybe that spot's not as secure as I thought.

I don't think so. The rear U-lock was still on the back tire and frame. I just assumed it was some fancy delivery truck driving. Bummer indeed. 

John Durham said:

What the what? Somebody tried to jack your rear wheel and just ended up breaking the rim?


Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

I rode to work, locked up at my super secret, semi-secure, sheltered from the elements parking area. When I approached my bike after work, I could immediately tell that my rear tire was flat.


Well, there's your problem. Maybe that spot's not as secure as I thought.


I've actually seen some messengers do that, but always viewed it as kind of a dick move because it takes up 3-4 spots with a single bike. While that may be true, it is apparently also the smart move. I've parked at this rack (not my building-actually a couple blocks away) for a couple of years in the winter without incident.

h' 1.0 said:

Sorry about your wheel!  Is there room to lock the bike up parallel to the rack, on the building side?

My building doesn't have a garage or on-site parking. This is actually a building a couple blocks away from my office which I use winter-only. The loading dock to the left of the racks is unused and the bay which a delivery truck would use is narrowed by the rack and a concrete pylon-nobody backs in or out of that space. I was probably the victim of a 3 or 4 point turn. I envy your secure underground parking.

Morgan 6 mi said:

That is a crappy place to put a bike rack. Just look at the lack of buffer space between the rack and the loading dock. Sorry to see your bike crunched like that. Our building has secure (?) underground parking and the valet parker guys sure like to make it so you can't get the bikes out from the bike racks. No effed up bike though.

Yep.  -1.0 when I left the house at Montrose/Sheridan.

Gear worked fine; I'm not sure I could go another 5 degrees colder with this set-up, though.

Frozen eyelashes, but no complaints.

Yes!  Wind died down and not gusting, so here I am with bike. 

that stinks kevin. sorry to see this. especially in this weather. hopefully you can get a good replacement rear-wheel setup rolling soon.


Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

I rode to work, and locked up at my super secret, semi-secure, sheltered from the elements parking area. When I approached my bike after work, I could immediately tell that my rear tire was flat.

Well, there's your problem. Maybe that spot's not as secure as I thought.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

I rode in the neighborhood doing errands yesterday and today. 5+ miles yesterday total, probably the same today. Both days, wool base layer, jeans, wool sweaters, down sweater, wind breaker, glove liners, ski gloves, wool neck gaiter.  All those body parts were fine.

Yesterday's mistake: regular bike helmet with wool bike cap beneath and no goggles. My head was freezing, especially my forehead (major sinus headache from windy cold air hitting my head). Also, my breath kept fogging my glasses (dangerously) at intersections.

Today's correction: snowboarding helmet with ear protectors, closed vents, and goggles. Perfection! 

Best part: the thumbs up between me and every other cyclist I saw.  

BTW, kudos to those of you who did longer commutes! I'd have to warm up in a coffee shop if I went longer than 3 miles.  Stay safe!

Those are the coolest of them all!

Gene Tenner said:

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

... and the coldest. Congratulations on making it in today. You are a trooper.
Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Those are the coolest of them all!

It was an awesome morning for a ride.


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