Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Gene, when are you going to publish the "I rode today. Did You" photo book?  You might have to share credit for the title, but what a book it will be!

Jennifer, I am tired of people telling me it is cold, especially when I am hot.

You are soooo kind, Lisa. I do this, because of the joy that it gives me. I do not see an audience that would pay money for a book of these. I have thought of doing a slide presentation with them, but again the topic and market niche is escaping me. So, in the interim Chainlinkers get the choice to view or not.

Lisa Curcio said:

Gene, when are you going to publish the "I rode today. Did You" photo book?  You might have to share credit for the title, but what a book it will be!

Jennifer, I am tired of people telling me it is cold, especially when I am hot.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

About 15 miles of errand running and sight-seeing.  After I ran the errands, I headed to the LFP, rode around Montrose Harbor, and enjoyed the magnificent sunshine and relatively empty path before heading back home.

Approximately 25 miles in the northshore neighborhoods....lovely weather! My favorite :)

Rode from oak park to ravenswood and back last night/this morning. Felt it was time to get the longjohns out of mothballs 

Sunshine brings us out and lovin it.  Great day for a ride.

I did.  Love this time of year on lakefront since the sunrise coincides with my commute time.

Great views this morning with the sun/cloud mixture.


Broke out the bar mitts today.  A bit brisk, and I skipped the LFP as I was running a bit late.  Maybe on the way home...


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