Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I rode my hybrid today; this and the fact that 20 mph wind was gusting from the west as I was heading that way made me miss my train. Grr. Riding upright with that kind of wind is extremely frustrating - it's like you're peddling in quicksand.

Let's hope that crazy wind stays that way. If so, I'm in for a nice and easy ride home.

For more bike commute photos from today when my chain came apart, I put the chain back together, my hands were numb thanks to 29 degree weather and I got into work an hour late, click *#$%#! here.

Well, Gene, the photos are nice!

I rode in sub-freezing temps for the first time in my life.  I know most of you are not impressed, but I was really happy to have dressed appropriately--neither over nor under dressed! 

Congratulations, Lisa. 

Lisa Curcio said:

Well, Gene, the photos are nice!

I rode in sub-freezing temps for the first time in my life.  I know most of you are not impressed, but I was really happy to have dressed appropriately--neither over nor under dressed! 

Well done, Lisa!

And lots of possible layers left in the winter riding wardrobe ;-).  Thanks, Steve!
Chi Lowe said:

Lisa - my first sub-freezing day too.  I completely share your excitement.  Aside: I invested in a micro-weight wool baselayer yesterday, which I wore this morning.  I never felt even a little cold, despite an occasional gust of the westerly cross-wind out there.

Lisa Curcio said:

Well, Gene, the photos are nice!

I rode in sub-freezing temps for the first time in my life.  I know most of you are not impressed, but I was really happy to have dressed appropriately--neither over nor under dressed! 

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

Spectacular shot!

Chi Lowe said:

So, so pretty out there this morning.  Warm too!

For more bike commute photos from this lovely, sun-shiny day, click here.

Spectacular again!  I miss the lakefront.

Gene Tenner said:

For more bike commute photos from this lovely, sun-shiny day, click here.

I understand the feeling thoroughly, Lisa. I do not know how I would handle the withdrawals from my lakefront addiction. I imagine a lot of shaking and involuntary spasms.

Lisa Curcio said:

Spectacular again!  I miss the lakefront.

I have ridden every day since March (when I decided to start riding the Schwinn Frontier I bought at Irv's Bike Shop last year) to save some money and get some exercise. This will be the first winter that I will try to ride through, no matter what (I am hoping !). Wish me luck !

BTW, The Artic Weather Survival Class I took while in the military had colder weather than i have experienced here in Chicago (Born & Raised) far. So, my issues will be controlling the bike and ensuring that I have the right tires.

Have a Great Day, Everyone !


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