Nice first ride in the COLD.


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no....moment of guilt....ok, i'm over it....




Yeah, although I did wait for the rain to pass.

I also waited, but given how much I was sweating by the time I got in, I might as well have ridden in the rain.  

Duppie said:

Yeah, although I did wait for the rain to pass.

I actually welcomed riding in the rain this morning. The past few days I came close to getting heatstroke, so the rain was more of a relief to me than anything else. I just made sure to pack some dry work clothes. 

Yep--wish I had left in the rain.  Wet from rain is better when it is this warm!

Liz said:

I also waited, but given how much I was sweating by the time I got in, I might as well have ridden in the rain.  

Monsoon you mean.

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I rode today, like I do everyday, but due to a good thing work-wise, I now face a bad thing bike-wise. My daily commute has always been in the city but starting Monday, I now will be working out in Rolling Meadows (24 miles away). So... unless I am feeling ultra ambitious, and I get some great ideas from the rest of you guys on commute ideas, I will be reduced to public transportation and recreational riding. 

Headwind riding downtown this morning and headwind riding home along the LFP this afternoon.  LFP was pleasantly empty both ways!

My initial though is Ugg...  

Then again, perhaps this warrants it's own thread, cause the chainlink crew will provide insightful insanity if you invite it.  Best of luck!  Do keep us informed how this plays out.


CjBad said:

starting Monday, I now will be working out in Rolling Meadows (24 miles away). So... unless I am feeling ultra ambitious, and I get some great ideas from the rest of you guys on commute ideas, I will be reduced to public transportation and recreational riding. 

I will do that Gerry, thanks! Even a quick glimpse on Google Maps shows that I'd be hitting up a few trails along the way, could be fun!

Gerry G said:

My initial though is Ugg...  

Then again, perhaps this warrants it's own thread, cause the chainlink crew will provide insightful insanity if you invite it.  Best of luck!  Do keep us informed how this plays out.


CjBad said:

starting Monday, I now will be working out in Rolling Meadows (24 miles away). So... unless I am feeling ultra ambitious, and I get some great ideas from the rest of you guys on commute ideas, I will be reduced to public transportation and recreational riding. 


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