Nice first ride in the COLD.


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40s & Drizzling = My Favorite Ride!

Had every light on Lincoln timed out perfectly - This morning was a great ride!!

For more Lakefront bike ride photos for Friday, April 20, 2012, click here.

2 miles of a horrible head wind.

In the original "I'm hardcore" spirit of this thread... The wind was not horrible, but the huge box of recycling served as a pretty good sail/parachute.

Good thing that bike has a coaster brake (not that I needed it much with all that weight) as it freed up a hand to keep that load steady. A huge box on a tiny front rack is not optimal - but the recycling facility is pretty close, so it was not a problem.


h' said:

~1400 W. Pershing?

Windy and chilly along LFP NB this afternoon, got passed by another biker, felt old. 

3 Floyd's FTW!

Ha, 'twas very good sir; and very nice to meet you.

I took the day off today from riding..knee is still sore from yesterday.

We should do it again sometime.  I'm looking forward to Tour de Shore as one my next adventures.  

Rode south on the LFP and then went into the city to avoid wind. Nice ride overall, went way further than I anticipated.

Holy wind batman!  I could only muster up 8mph along the lakefront around 330.  Face is still frozen.  Miss my beard.


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