Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Shake down run for an '86 Schwinn Peleton, 20+miles.  

It's completely original an in nice shape.  

A bit twitchy compared to the commuter.  You guys with multiple bikes must have some funny stories about switching from one bike to the next.  Muscle memory had me reaching for the barcon rather than the downtube shifter position.

Made the acquaintance of a homeward bound commuter by the name of Bernie.  He had some insights into the contact points and my posture on the bike.  I may ask for help from the experts in the Chainlink community for insight. 

Jeez aren't we fortunate in ChicAgo?  The LFP provides us access to a wide assortment of activities: 






Bike driving


Baseball diamonds

Soccer fields 

Piers for fishing

Picnic spaces/open spaces for kites



Bird watching 

People watching

It's just terrific!

Am I the only one that thinks that the original intent of this thread has been lost to its use as a photo album? It would be great if someone started a separate thread for "cycling photos." But in the meantime, the number of participants in this thread has dropped from "many" to "few."

I believe the original intent of this particular thread was for people to post that they rode in on a day that was icy, cold, sleeting, slushy and snowing during winter time-kind of a "I actually rode in this and survived" type of thing. The thread should probably have been retired when it started to get warmer out and the flowers and trees started blooming like they are now.  So, for me, it is nice to see the pretty pictures, as I am riding everyday and don't feel a need to let people know I braved the weather and bicycled. Although I was biking almost every day in winter, I did like to vent once in a while about how nasty it was or wasn't on here.  I do agree that maybe starting a new thread for "Beautiful Scenery on my Ride" would be easier to find and look at or maybe call it Flamingo Photography by Gene :) 

I enjoy the photos, but agree that a separate thread for them would be better.  But if more are posted and you want to reply to that post, please be sure to delete the photos from your reply post so we don't have to scroll through a bunch of repeats. Thanks.

Kevin C said:

Am I the only one that thinks that the original intent of this thread has been lost to its use as a photo album? It would be great if someone started a separate thread for "cycling photos." But in the meantime, the number of participants in this thread has dropped from "many" to "few."

Last year this thread (or one very similar to it -with a similar name) was shut down as soon as it was warm so the "me too" fair-weather cyclists couldn't chime in and the "hard core" winter cyclists could feel smug without the lamers watering down their fire. 

i'm surprised this one hasn't been shut down already. 


Should I close it or not?



That's your call. And I was being presumptuous before when I suggested what the original intent of the thread was. There was a time when your threads seemed to be more about relating weather and road conditions and encouraging others to ride. For the past 3-4 months its seemed to be more about, here's a picture of where I rode today.

in it to win it said:


Should I close it or not?



I agree with Kevin C, it is your call on closing it. My 2 cents is that although the pictorials are nice and I enjoy them, the thread itself has gone completely off track from the original topic, especially now that it is springtime.

Is there a point on Ning when a thread starts to get funky and wonky due to extreme length and the number of posts/pictures in them?

I know on bikeforums there are a few threads that get so long that the mods have to shut them down because they are slowing down the servers.   If this isn't the case I don't see why a thread would need to be shut down.  So it has changed from the original intent.  "I rode today" is a perfect title for the pictures that are being posted to it these days. 


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