Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Nice photos, Mark. Sometimes timing can be everything. Let's see more from future rides.

mark stetson said:

I tried to ride in the woods today, but it was too muddy.  Ended up on the road, as usual.  Nice sunset as Howard noted.

Yes! let's see more for sure! Where is that gorgeous landscape Mark? 

Gene Tenner said:

Nice photos, Mark. Sometimes timing can be everything. Let's see more from future rides.

mark stetson said:

I tried to ride in the woods today, but it was too muddy.  Ended up on the road, as usual.  Nice sunset as Howard noted.

this is what our mornings out on the bike look like in the boonies.


sweet! thanks for sharing the rural beauty!

judy s said:

this is what our mornings out on the bike look like in the boonies.

The pictures with the family of raccoons are just too cute!

Gene Tenner said:

Brant Miller will air one of these photos of mine on the NBC Channel 5 10:00 News tonight during the weather segment (usually around 10:18). 'Twill also be in the Sun Times on Sunday on the weather page.

Gene Tenner said:

Thanks for the comments.  Pics were taken in Bureau county.  I'm happy to ride with anyone who wants to come out.  You can get here on Amtrak (Princeton).  I have an extra bike to loan.

Tony Adams said:

Yes! let's see more for sure! Where is that gorgeous landscape Mark? 

Gene Tenner said:

Nice photos, Mark. Sometimes timing can be everything. Let's see more from future rides.

mark stetson said:

I tried to ride in the woods today, but it was too muddy.  Ended up on the road, as usual.  Nice sunset as Howard noted.


You guys are spoiling us with these terrific pics!  Keep'em coming please!

The TailDraggers

Met at Heritage Genarel Store along with some of the RockBottomRats and went for a great ride

On a great day!



I adore pics of "Our Hometown" thanks!


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