Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Wow,  bright out there.  Maybe I should go outside?

Nice pics, Gene.

Yes! Beautiful pics! Thanks Gene!

Brendan said:

Wow,  bright out there.  Maybe I should go outside?

Nice pics, Gene.

Gene, your pics remind me of the reason Chicago thrived in the first place.  Thanks for sharing them!

I trued the hoops and test drove around the neighborhood.   

Thanks for the kind words on the photos. I have multiple passions. One is bicycling. Another is photography. Each supports the other. I always have a camera with me when I bicycle, and my position on a recumbent trike makes the photography much easier. It is a pleasure to share and a joy that your appreciation and motivation follows.

Monday's forecast-- high of 49 degrees; Tuesday-- 52 degrees.

Does this mean all of our "real" winter weather is being saved up to unleash on us in the worst February on record?

The bicycling- photography connection seems pretty common.

Sometimes I wonder if it is about an affinity for the man-machine interface (usually you folks are pretty computer-savvy, and play at least one musical instrument as well) or about having an insatiable need for visual input (riding a bike satisfies this craving like no other pastime.)

Gene Tenner said:

Thanks for the kind words on the photos. I have multiple passions. One is bicycling. Another is photography. Each supports the other. I always have a camera with me when I bicycle, and my position on a recumbent trike makes the photography much easier. It is a pleasure to share and a joy that your appreciation and motivation follows.

You pretty much nailed it. I was a classsically trained artist and crave constant visual stimulation. A bike ride adresses my visual addiction perfectly. The camera addresses my art cravings.

h' said:

The bicycling- photography connection seems pretty common.

Sometimes I wonder if it is about an affinity for the man-machine interface (usually you folks are pretty computer-savvy, and play at least one musical instrument as well) or about having an insatiable need for visual input (riding a bike satisfies this craving like no other pastime.)

Gene Tenner said:

Thanks for the kind words on the photos. I have multiple passions. One is bicycling. Another is photography. Each supports the other. I always have a camera with me when I bicycle, and my position on a recumbent trike makes the photography much easier. It is a pleasure to share and a joy that your appreciation and motivation follows.

Flurries in the nudie eyes this A.M.  Not bad but I have to act on the suggestions offered these past few days and weeks.  Southbound on Lincoln, intersection of Lincoln, Belmont and Ashland.  Cars at the curb, blinkers going, they turn onto Belmont, great.  Car in the center lane, no blinker, right turn onto Ashland, not so great.  I'm just glad to see some of this developing in advance.  Grateful for no contact!

P.M. commute was fine into the wind, bring on the 40's F!


I did. My first ride to work in about 3 weeks. And that headwind elicited more than a few four letter words from me this morning. I can handle cold, rain and snow. But, man, I hate the wind.


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