Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Helpful and snarky all at once; I bow to the master.

I now leave my van parked at a the other end of a Metra commute and I have found that HAVING to ride the bike or CTA makes it that much easier to ride the bike because I HATE the CTA.  Also after about a week of it the whole thing has become habit and I feel out of sorts when I have to drive my van home.
H3N3 said:

I feel the same way also, but I found a solution that saves thousands a year and immeasurable stress.

It involves selling something . . .

Liz--thanks for that link and info. I'm usually one to get home and jump into a hot bath when I am freezing cold. *oops!*

Howard--just fabulous---yay for you!

Amy Y-- I know. I'm bicycling more than I ever have (particularly in the winter when I used to never bike anywhere.)  I feel okay about skipping it now and then, but I sometimes wonder what's the difference between being a big wuss and being someone who listens to her body? There are times when I can tell, and today, I knew I was not just being wussy. 


I will say, I had a hangovery feeling this morning which is the result of... having a slight hangover. That didn't help matters. And, remember--I am SO outside most of the day. Being outside is great. Most of the time I love it, but usually by this stage of winter, I wish I worked in a cubicle. Or Hawaii.


If it's any consolation--driving while listening to the radio was hardly worth it. It's pledge drive week! How did I forget that?


Happy riding, people. Spring is coming! The days feel quite a bit longer now, don't they?

Taking a bath is ok if you are no longer in a hypothermic range (ie you came home, took off the wet clothes and warmed up in blankets for a bit and got your body temp up above 95 deg.) also make sure its a warm bath instead of a hot bath.

Liz--indeed! I read that warm water is best...somewhere...oh, here, I suppose. 

Hi Holly

You are definitely not the only person who has the off days! Today the ride back was pretty rough because I was going against the wind, but I didn't feel that I was suffering (well, I was because my fingers was getting frostbitten...but I'll try to bring extra thick mittens next time).


It all has to do with mindset. This is my first time back to bike commute this season. Earlier I just didn't want to do it. But the last few months of dealing with the CTA  - bus stopping at EVERY.SINGLE.BLOCK. - or hitting the brakes on the entire LSD from downtown to Belmont definitely helped to get me back in the saddle and happy about it even with the wind and the cold. 

Maybe you'll just going through the Chicago winter blues. Summer looks so close - yet so far. Do what feels right. When time comes, you'll be whistling on your bike to work :-)


Holly said:

Liz--thanks for that link and info. I'm usually one to get home and jump into a hot bath when I am freezing cold. *oops!*

Howard--just fabulous---yay for you!

Amy Y-- I know. I'm bicycling more than I ever have (particularly in the winter when I used to never bike anywhere.)  I feel okay about skipping it now and then, but I sometimes wonder what's the difference between being a big wuss and being someone who listens to her body? There are times when I can tell, and today, I knew I was not just being wussy. 


I will say, I had a hangovery feeling this morning which is the result of... having a slight hangover. That didn't help matters. And, remember--I am SO outside most of the day. Being outside is great. Most of the time I love it, but usually by this stage of winter, I wish I worked in a cubicle. Or Hawaii.


If it's any consolation--driving while listening to the radio was hardly worth it. It's pledge drive week! How did I forget that?


Happy riding, people. Spring is coming! The days feel quite a bit longer now, don't they?

Two things: 

1) I ride every day and the LFP has been great riding for most of the winter, including right now. I'm amazed at how well it's maintained. The torn up bits between Oak and North Ave are no big deal; the biggest drop is about 1.5 inches so it's just like going over rough pavement or cracks in a sidewalk -- you hardly need to slow down. The torn up bits just north of Fullerton are much more severe, but there is only one "hole" that you can't avoid. Plan to slow way down and drop about 4-5 inches, then hop up 4-5 inches on the other side. Otherwise, the path is far preferable to the streets, IMO. 


2) The winter doldrums are here. I, too, am so tired of the wind and the cold that it's been much harder than usual recently to get out there and enjoy the ride. Somehow, though, I feel better about it knowing that I'm not the only one. ;-)

I did ride today, although for some reason, it is getting tougher for me to fight through these ice cold headwinds lately, especially since I never seem to get a tailwind to compensate. I am definitely looking forward to spring. I think I can deal with a warm headwind for a change.
The wind was pretty biting this morning.

Winter biking friends,


I find March and April to be the cruelest months, partly b/c of the wind scouring the frozen lake and ground, partly b/c we are so ready for warmer weather, partly b/c the stronger sun is a tease, and partly b/c when it warms up enough at lunch, you misplace your gloves which you definitely need for the cold ride home later on.

All I can say is hang in there and keep dressing for comfort. I don't pack away my winter gear until June. There is a reason landlords need to keep the heat on until then also.  If you lower your expectations and consider these months to be just as wintry as the others, there is more room to enjoy the sun, look for the green shoots and savor those lunch breaks when you can take off your jacket. Just don't lose your gloves!

Yes! This morning my daughter told me she wanted to take the car because the trailer was "too hot"!! I removed one of the fleece blankets and put it in the trailer's "trunk". That made it all better!

Gin said:

Winter biking friends,


I find March and April to be the cruelest months, partly b/c of the wind scouring the frozen lake and ground, partly b/c we are so ready for warmer weather, partly b/c the stronger sun is a tease, and partly b/c when it warms up enough at lunch, you misplace your gloves which you definitely need for the cold ride home later on.

All I can say is hang in there and keep dressing for comfort. I don't pack away my winter gear until June. There is a reason landlords need to keep the heat on until then also.  If you lower your expectations and consider these months to be just as wintry as the others, there is more room to enjoy the sun, look for the green shoots and savor those lunch breaks when you can take off your jacket. Just don't lose your gloves!

Nice one this morning, except for all the double parked cars in the last block. Ironic that the scariest 1/8 of my ride is in front of a hospital.

Thanks Gin!! I totally got duped yesterday when heading out thinking it was great weather. And the ride back - wow that wind was bitter!! I finally gave up LFP and took surface streets, and only wish I done that sooner. And it's amazing how quickly the temperature drops once dusk nears.


Good point about gloves. I am definitely bringing my winter mittens as backup from now on. Of course I already lost my winter mittens and they're impossible to find in stores now because they think it's swimsuit season already, so I'm glad re-order them online!



Gin said:

Winter biking friends,


I find March and April to be the cruelest months, partly b/c of the wind scouring the frozen lake and ground, partly b/c we are so ready for warmer weather, partly b/c the stronger sun is a tease, and partly b/c when it warms up enough at lunch, you misplace your gloves which you definitely need for the cold ride home later on.

All I can say is hang in there and keep dressing for comfort. I don't pack away my winter gear until June. There is a reason landlords need to keep the heat on until then also.  If you lower your expectations and consider these months to be just as wintry as the others, there is more room to enjoy the sun, look for the green shoots and savor those lunch breaks when you can take off your jacket. Just don't lose your gloves!


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