Nice first ride in the COLD.


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The wind this morning was pretty bad; I did not enjoy my ride south.
After yesterday, it seems to me you're still over your quota for "beaten up by ice..." 

Michael A said:
For some unknown reason I hit the lakefront trail again at 6am.. There was so much salt down on my way home last night I figured there is no way ice would beat me up 2 days in a row. There were only small patches of ice the entire way so today I WON..... (except for the wind) I was hoping for the same wind out of the south for the way home, but no such luck, it shifted to almost straight east.  All in all a pleasant ride.

I had a great evening ride tonight but I'm a little fed up with winter weather and its dirty "after birth".

I walked part of the way down Western (too much traffic) and some light-less Bianchi Pista riding fixie kids nearly hit me and some random pedestrians on the sidewalk going way too fast from behind. I have never been so annoyed with fellow riders.

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.

Probably the jerk-offs that stole my bike from my balcony.

Minh said:

 some light-less Bianchi Pista riding fixie kids nearly hit me



And thus the 80s return.

Minh said:

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.

Man, this morning was one beautiful morning. Bright sunshine, wind in the back.

And there were 5 bicyclists waiting for the light at Wells and Ohio. It's been months since I seen so many commuters at once. Does that mean spring is has finally arrived?

The 80's were last year. I feel the early 90's returniing. I can't wait for parachute pants.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
And thus the 80s return.

Minh said:

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.

I feel the same way.  Even though it was sunny this morning, I still am just sick of riding in the winter.

Minh said:

I had a great evening ride tonight but I'm a little fed up with winter weather and its dirty "after birth".

I walked part of the way down Western (too much traffic) and some light-less Bianchi Pista riding fixie kids nearly hit me and some random pedestrians on the sidewalk going way too fast from behind. I have never been so annoyed with fellow riders.

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.

Guess it's time to dust off the flannel shirt and portable cd-player. Might have to wait a while before wearing the aloha shirts and tracksuits

Davo said:
The 80's were last year. I feel the early 90's returniing. I can't wait for parachute pants.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
And thus the 80s return.

Minh said:

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.

The ride this morning was refreshing and it is true about more people out riding- I actually saw 5 riders this morning on my commute, where the past few months I was lucky to see 1 or 2 the entire way to work and back. I was seriously considering dropping my bike off at lunch at a shop to get it washed-although I do rinse off the road grime and salt when I get home, nonetheless, my poor bike is looking pretty grungy and gross from this winter.

Today is my first official day this year back on bike commute!! I figured with the beautiful weather and just-tuned bike I should get back in the saddle.


I took the LFP from Roscoe st, which was good until Fullerton, where I had to go through the zoo parking lot. I tried to go back to LFP at LaSalle/North, but the path was pretty torn apart there as well and there were maintenance trucks on it so I went back and took State down to Chicago, where I tried to reenter the LFP but entrance was blocked, so I kept going and ended up on lower level Columbus and Walker - not a good place to be!! I tried to get out and being clueless in directions (that's another reason why I prefer LFP) I somehow end up in the Millenium Park underground parking lot. Finally I walked back to Randolph/Wacker and re-entered the bike path there. From there it was smooth sailing until I get off at Promontory point.  The commute today took me ~1 hr 40 min because of getting lost/detour, compared to the usual 1 hr 10 min at my normal commute speed. It was good that I biked at non-commute hours because LaSalle/North and Wacker/Columbus are usually pretty crazy. On the plus side, the areas outside of Fullerton-Randolph are in pretty good shape and I saw about 5 cyclists too.


Does anyone have suggestions for what to do between Fullerton and downtown? I'd love to know before my evening commute tonight! Thanks!!


Addendum: Is the area around Fullerton-North-Oak just a few chunks of pavement ripped off and I could just walk my bike over those, or is the entire path pretty torn and I'm better off seeking an alternate path?

When I was commuting between lakeview and downtown I would go down state street after lincoln park until deleware, then take Wabash the ramaining part into downtown (my office is on wabash) in the winter.  See the linked map for details.


I found Wabash to be a much better alternative to Deaborn, Clark or State street through the gold coast/streeterville area. You can easily get back on the lake front path at Monroe street, simply turn left down it.


This route is also a little better for protection against wind off the lake, if there's still a lot of wind, go down stockton instead of cannon since the park will act as a buffer.


Going North it would probably be easiest for you to exit the path at Grand, and take Rush st. North until it merges with state and then go through the park.


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