Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Sweet commute in!!!!


The advantage to biking all winter is that 40 and overcast becomes supremely pleasant weather!

No coat, no gloves, no gaitor, no facemask, no ear band, no hat, no wind pants!! I felt so free.

spring windbreaker!
yes, the tweeders were at Black Rock.

Leah Jone said:

Ah... I finally rode yesterday from Edgewater down to Bucktown on Damen. It was tight and stressful without the bike lane, but no potholes to speak of. Then I hit Armitage to Elston to North to Halstead - potholes GALORE on North Ave and some asshole drivers from Texas. Then I hopped on the Brown Line to the loop, rode around a bit to and from dinner.


At the end of the day, I hopped on the train back to Uptown and then rode home from Wilson around midnight. I probably did about 8 miles and was pretty comfortable except for my gloves - did NOT need my lobster gloves yesterday.  


Was the Tweed Ride at Black Rock? When I passed it on Sunday around 2:30, there were about 20 bikes locked out front. I almost scrapped my plans and went in to see who was there.

kept my usual outer shells, just without all the layers beneath.
Time to lock this fread until November.
I rode to work early this morning sill bundled up and was wet with sweat when I got there.
My innner layer and scarf and Balaclava were in my back pack on the way home.
Such an optimist, but winter ain't over yet.

envane x said:
Time to lock this fread until November.

Wonderful day for a ride. Stopped at the flower shop on the way home. Rode the rest of the way and as I was pulling into the back gate I hear a hiss. A flat, I'll deal with it tomorrow morning.

Yeah...LOTS of patches of ice all over the place. And much of it looks like just be careful, especially around corners where water has puddled and in general where the snow mounds have been melting off.

Going South on Halsted/Lincoln/Wells no ice patches to speak of.  Nonetheless, I say exercise caution with anything that resembles black ice.

Next few days s/b nice, but I agree with Leah, Winter ain't over.  I remember snow for a few baseball home openers in April!


I didn't, instead sat in traffic on LSD and had to fight someone for a parking space at work.
I didn't either. I had my bike up on a table fixing a flat. Went to get the pump and it fell over, bending the wheel. Probably fixable, but exceptionally annoying.


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