Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Agreed.  I rode half of my 4-mile commute with my windbreaker half open with just a wool long-sleeve baselayer underneath.

J.P. said:
15 degrees and it felt balmy...

Yesterday's ride home was the best in two weeks.  Amazing what a 20+ temp swing will do for ya.


No scarf, unzipped coat, hat off and no gloves (for some of the ride) A 40 degree high is 50 degrees warmer than last week!
Yahoo, Google and Cricket are all based in California. Check tv channel 7.3  for the actual temp. or put your zip into Weather underground.

H3N3 said:

Yes. It said it was 5 degrees out with a projected high of 14 on my Yahoo page.

I did a double-take, reloaded . . . same. Waaaaay overdressed for a 5 mile ride.

Rode the knife today.  I was really glad to have fenders.

does the tweed ride count?


if not this is the half acre saturday ride


The day started out with some frozen slush on the roads, as the sun came out the snow piles started to melt making the roads wet, it was kinda like riding in the rain without the top of your head getting wet



Ah... I finally rode yesterday from Edgewater down to Bucktown on Damen. It was tight and stressful without the bike lane, but no potholes to speak of. Then I hit Armitage to Elston to North to Halstead - potholes GALORE on North Ave and some asshole drivers from Texas. Then I hopped on the Brown Line to the loop, rode around a bit to and from dinner.


At the end of the day, I hopped on the train back to Uptown and then rode home from Wilson around midnight. I probably did about 8 miles and was pretty comfortable except for my gloves - did NOT need my lobster gloves yesterday.  


Was the Tweed Ride at Black Rock? When I passed it on Sunday around 2:30, there were about 20 bikes locked out front. I almost scrapped my plans and went in to see who was there.

Today is a great day for riding.  No gloves necessary.
We took the tandem out today to ride down to Hyde Park for some square dancing. Fenders+Mudflap+Spats kept our feet dry. What a day!

What a difference a week can make! Today was a very enjoyable ride. I did not even mind dodging all the puddles. I was warm, too warm. I can always tell I over dress when I feel sweat running down me back into my...never mind. Had a very brisk tail wind, made me feel like I was flying......

PLEASANT morning ride!
yeah, nice, light jacket, light hat... finally saying goodbye to the bulky winter clothing

even the coyote I ran into seemed to enjoy the thaw.


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