Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Back from Austin/dallas and even tho the weather was much better than ours i didn't see one person riding their bike??? Now i'm back here and can't wait for the snow to melt so i can use some of our bike paths to work instead of the streets.  And again it's snowing :-(

Vodka is usually made from potatoes and/or grain. I think stoli is wheat based, but SO much vodka is made from potatoes.

I'm going to make a potato juice cocktail now, too, except I think I'll just use gin since I prefer it.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Nah . . . as a half-Russian, I prefer my vodka straight, frozen and made from grain. As much as I enjoy James Bond movies, I don't drink martinis neither shaken nor stirred :)

in it to win it said:

Chopin is a potato vodka.  Quite nice for a martini up with traditional olives . . .

Crap, now I've talked myself into an evening martini . . .

I had a father-in-law with celiac disease. United States liquor stores (as defined by Binny's and Sam's [RIP]) have surprisingly few vodkas available which are distilled from Potatoes.

Serge Lubomudrov said:
I believe it is the other way around, at least traditionally and historically for Russia and her former parts, where vodka was introduced well before potatoes came to Europe from the Americas. I don't know why, but potato vodkas, even supposedly high quality ones, like the mentioned Chopin, don't taste right to me. I certainly would avoid riding my bike after consuming Chopin (the vodka, I mean, not the music of :)

Holly said:

Vodka is usually made from potatoes and/or grain. I think stoli is wheat based, but SO much vodka is made from potatoes.

Ha--good to know, Serge & Kevin. All I know (and this is from being a younger person who boozed it up on vodka all too often*): cheap vodka was supposed to be the potato variety and it wasn't good.

I don't really drink vodka anymore--*funny how that happens, huh?


I should check out North Shore. They are a local distillery and make gin. I think they do vodkas, too. I wonder if it's good. I would bet that if it's even remotely as good as the gin, it's really good...


As for the potato juice on the just sounds kinda... smelly. Don't downhill skiers have a product to cut the fog?  I feel like I've seen it.





How about Koval? Rye based vodka made in Andersonville.

Haven't tried it (I don't drink Vodka), but they are sharing a building with Metropolitan Brewing, which makes some awesome beers. So it must be good vodka.

Made in the
Serge Lubomudrov said:

Interesting. I did not know that. Out of curiosity, I googled this, and found this old Slate article, which named Chopin "far and away the best vodka" tried by the author and his colleagues. Still, I don't like it. Actually, last few times I tried vodka straight, as I prefer, it was (almost) locally produced: 45th Parallel (corn-based, Wisconsin); Rehorst (Great Lakes Distillery, also WI, made from grain); and Death's Door (yet again, grain and Wisconsin). All three are very good.
Buy American! :)

Kevin Conway said:

I had a father-in-law with celiac disease. United States liquor stores (as defined by Binny's and Sam's [RIP]) have surprisingly few vodkas available which are distilled from Potatoes.

Last night's ride home = fun; made tracks in light fresh snow.

This morning just a little flurries; should be more snow by tonight.

Rest of this week looks OK.

Halsted/Lincoln/Wells still good shape.


Grapes instead of grains last night ';-)


I wasn't sure if I was going to ride today because it was snowing. I haven't ridden in snowfall very often. I think just two times.


If you're curious to know what I decided and how I arrived at the decision, here's my process:

All in all, a nice week for biking considering it's January in Chicago! 

I like seeing some daylight now on my way to work, keep it coming!

All of my commute streets, Halsted/Lincoln/Wells/Franklin, were mostly ice/snow free and fine for regular tires.

Current issue is how changing Franklin into a two-way street has rendered almost all drivers senselesss; have to stay on your toes on Franklin!


i shed a layer today. i think im still overdressing. but once i got off the metra in the burbs, i was cold.  forgot to take that jacket of while i was sitting on the train. probably woulda been fine otherwise.


and the inner fingers on my lobster gloves keep getting twisted on the inside. drives me nuts...feels like wearing shoes that are too small. i cant seem to be able to fix it.


215 miles ridden this month so far.  i expect about another 30 or so for the month of january

in it to win it said:

Current issue is how changing Franklin into a two-way street has rendered almost all drivers senselesss; have to stay on your toes on Franklin!


Closing Wacker for reconstruction has made all the north-south loop street noticably worse. It won't end anytime soon.
Looks like we're going to be in good shape with temps until mid next week. Yay!
Nice ride up Sheridan this morning with a light wind.  Still looking forward to spring.


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