Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I've ridden to work every day this week.  All with sore hips from a spill on Friday, and fighting off a cold (I actually believe  it helps the sickness work itself out).  Sometimes it is so beautiful...even if it's just tree branches against a blue or grey sky.  And the air is amazing (when not breathing car/bus/truck exhaust)!  LOVE  my goggles and glad to see goggles are popular...they are INvaluable to me!  To the people on bikes not dressed well...(no hat with bald head, etc)...WHY!?!?

Today I had an unusual experience related to dehydration.


So, I went for a run this morning, and then had to bike downtown, about 5 miles, for a meeting and the BIke Winter presentation. 30 minutes after I biked home, I had to zip back out for a physical therapy appt (for wonky shoulder). As I was doing a push up,  a major cramp took over my left calf. It was like my leg had turned to rock. I just sat there stunned and in pain hoping that it would loosen up quickly, which it did, thankfully, though I can still feel its echoes. 


I have never had a muscle cramp like that before. My physical therapist wondered if I was dehydrated and then it hit me. . . I had hardly had any water to drink all day. I am usually good with the H2O but with it being so cold I sometimes forget. It could have also been due to just being more tensed up than usual in the cold.


So don't forget your water bottles (and bring them inside so they don't freeze ;-)


On the upside, between running and biking, I am so far staving off the winter blues.


I get cramps very often, I have found 2 bananas a day as well as some amino acid supliments have made a lot of difference. ALso try to pre-hydrate before you leave. I try to down a full large bottle of ater within 1/2 hour of a ride. 


How did the presentation go?
Gin said:

Today I had an unusual experience related to dehydration.


So, I went for a run this morning, and then had to bike downtown, about 5 miles, for a meeting and the BIke Winter presentation. 30 minutes after I biked home, I had to zip back out for a physical therapy appt (for wonky shoulder). As I was doing a push up,  a major cramp took over my left calf. It was like my leg had turned to rock. I just sat there stunned and in pain hoping that it would loosen up quickly, which it did, thankfully, though I can still feel its echoes. 


I have never had a muscle cramp like that before. My physical therapist wondered if I was dehydrated and then it hit me. . . I had hardly had any water to drink all day. I am usually good with the H2O but with it being so cold I sometimes forget. It could have also been due to just being more tensed up than usual in the cold.


So don't forget your water bottles (and bring them inside so they don't freeze ;-)


On the upside, between running and biking, I am so far staving off the winter blues.


2 things:


1) I was riding yesterday and noticed several nice drivers; slowing to take their time getting around me because I was farther out in the road then normal as I couldn't ride on the packed snow/ice near the parked cars; and letting me through the intersection even though they clearly had the right of way.  For example, I was pulling up to a stop sign very slowly, almost a complete stop, and saw a driver, after having already stopped and started to go, jump on the breaks and waved me though.  Maybe drivers feel sorry for me in my ski mask.


2) I feel like summer riding can be just as strenuous or even more strenuous as winter biking.  I have to continually hydrate on the humid days and always have to worry about getting sunburned. 

I made it through the whole week. Last night it started to snow a bunch just as I was making the 4 mile trek home. I was on my road bike and could definitely feel some slippage but nothing that made me think i would lose control.


it was really cool riding in the fresh snow but the lack of googles or some sort of eye protection made it interesting. I also learned why people suggest hosing the bike off when you get home, it was totally covered in sludge.


cars were being particularly nice to me as well last night, maybe it was the blizzardy conditions

Cool map.  But too bad you fell in the river and swam across :)

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Quite a pleasant ride this morning: sunny, not windy (or not very windy, that is) and not that cold. Tried a slightly different route today, via Clybourn–Larrabee–Kingsbury–Kinzie–Clinton.



Apparently Serge has lost his mind and went looking for it in the river.


Hey Serge, the Kinzie bridge is RIGHT THERE!


Mark Kenseth said:

Cool map.  But too bad you fell in the river and swam across :)

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Quite a pleasant ride this morning: sunny, not windy (or not very windy, that is) and not that cold. Tried a slightly different route today, via Clybourn–Larrabee–Kingsbury–Kinzie–Clinton.

Yes - it may look like it will fall apart any second, but it will hold your weight while you cross the water.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Oh . . . You sayin' that big rusty thing there was the bridge?!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:



Apparently Serge has lost his mind and went looking for it in the river.


Hey Serge, the Kinzie bridge is RIGHT THERE!


Mark Kenseth said:

Cool map.  But too bad you fell in the river and swam across :)

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Quite a pleasant ride this morning: sunny, not windy (or not very windy, that is) and not that cold. Tried a slightly different route today, via Clybourn–Larrabee–Kingsbury–Kinzie–Clinton.

Yes! When she gets upset about not riding in the trailer I tell her that we will ride again the next day. She is pushing me to ride just as much as I am pushing myself - its very encouraging! I am so happy that she likes it and doesn't feel cold and miserable.

Holly said:

I've notice the car drivers tend to be a lot more bitchy than usual. Maybe they're not used to winter yet. I don't think it's any worse than the really hot dog days of summer, but still...I thought they'd be more courteous.


Your girl can be your biking buddy! That's so sweet. So, do you bribe her with the promise of a ride in the trailer the next morning?
Sarah Graff said:

I too have been riding around and this is my first 'bike winter'! I am enjoying it but I am still tentative. I am really scared of ice so I am trying to only bike when there is daylight. My only complaint is that when its 8 degrees then my hands are cold despite the layers of gloves.

I bought a trailer for my daughter and she only wants to ride in the trailer. If I come to get her from daycare without it she cries miserably and makes me feel guilty!

I also find that when I actually do ride at 5pm that cars are really angry on the road. People seem more anxious than ever to get where they are going at certain times of the day. It seems worse to me than the summer/fall.

Is this the same Sarah who came to Holstein Park for Bike Winter tips this fall? If so--great to hear that you are still at it! If not--great to see another winter biking Sarah-mom!

Sarah Graff said:

Yes! When she gets upset about not riding in the trailer I tell her that we will ride again the next day. She is pushing me to ride just as much as I am pushing myself - its very encouraging! I am so happy that she likes it and doesn't feel cold and miserable.

LOL.  But I kinda think swimming may be a better option than some of those bridges. :)

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

Apparently Serge has lost his mind and went looking for it in the river.

Hey Serge, the Kinzie bridge is RIGHT THERE!


Mark Kenseth said:

Cool map.  But too bad you fell in the river and swam across :)

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Quite a pleasant ride this morning: sunny, not windy (or not very windy, that is) and not that cold. Tried a slightly different route today, via Clybourn–Larrabee–Kingsbury–Kinzie–Clinton.

Buy some goggles!  They are sooo cool!  I feel like my eyes are indoors no matter what.  Usually my eyes water a lot in the cold without them.  I get mine from Oakley...only the ones that are at least marked down to half price you can find some for 25.00  :-)  I just bought my BF some.

garrett said:

I made it through the whole week. Last night it started to snow a bunch just as I was making the 4 mile trek home. I was on my road bike and could definitely feel some slippage but nothing that made me think i would lose control.


it was really cool riding in the fresh snow but the lack of googles or some sort of eye protection made it interesting. I also learned why people suggest hosing the bike off when you get home, it was totally covered in sludge.


cars were being particularly nice to me as well last night, maybe it was the blizzardy conditions


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