Nice first ride in the COLD.


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OMG, so great photo! It`s amazing!!

I really hate cold weather( But I motivate myself for winter riding by photos (, articles ( and videos (, It`s a kind of challenge for me: “I`m one with the wind and sky”, but I`m still on my bike, I can do it not worse than in summer!) I feel sooo cool at that moment))) But sitting at home and drinking hot tea after riding is absolutely better.

i used to ride through the winter and also delivered mail during the day, then ride home.  I retired from my job just recently because it ruined my knees, but my doctor said keep riding.  I was one of 4 people back in 2011 Blizzard to make it to work, riding my bike behind a plow,  


 I couldn't open the garage door too much snow but i could lift my bike into the trucks tire grooves.  I saw many fascinating pictures from my own eyes each day, that couldn't have been seen driving a car.  I retired the Post Office so i could keep riding my bike.  4 years of winter through winter cycling is the only way!!!

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