Gorgeous sunrise on LFP today.  So glad Spring is only a few days away!!!

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Ha! I got that covered. I wear a Showers Pass Portland Jacket. It doesn't get anymore smug than that.

Still, it was no fun riding in this morning.

MagMileMarauder said:

You could be quite "smug" (ref: Bikesnobnyc lexicon) in this weather if you invested in some Gore Tex or other water-repellent treated fabric;)

Duppie said:

You are one heck of a cheerleader. Calling this cold, near freezing rain "spring rain" requires an unbridled optimism on your part ;)

I rode in this morning and let me tell you, it sucked. I got thoroughly wet and cold. I didn't like it one bit. But then again, it how I get to work. 

Melanie said:

Spring is coming, it is just around the corner, the rain today wasn't too cold and it at least felt more like a spring rain, rather than freezing rain. I think the saying goes April showers bring May flowers...and bikers.

in it to win it said:

Good for you Melanie and Julie.

As for me . . .


Spring, where are you???

Today wasnt so bad.  This morning it was a little rainy and somewhat windy. The headwind wasnt too bad, and when I traveled South on Oakley between Division and Lake, I cant go very fast at all in that minefield, so the wind was not a factor there.

I worked late and came home around eight-thirty, and it was coming down pretty steady by then, but not too cold. And by then I had a halfway decent tailwind. I have been getting some good use out of my raingear lately.  Visibillity is pretty poor sometimes however. As a wearer of glasses, riding in the rain can be unplesant and a bit dangerous.

Did my 28mile city ride today. Damen/Division, Milwaukee, DesPlaines, Monroe, LFP, Northerly Island loop, LFP, Montrose Harbour, LFP, Grand, Milwaukee, Damen, Armitage, Western, Milwaukee, Division home. Nice day with a side trip out to the end of Navy Pier.

Special shoutout to that special lady @ the end of my ride that cut me off to get to the red light... I do have the rightof way and can take a lane when no bike path is present. Hope you go home and read up, then tell your kids you should not have yelled at the biker cause he was right. :)

It was a beautiful day out on the road today.  The wind was a challenge but a fun one.  I was loving that sun.  I even got a little burn--first one of the season. Funny how I'm excited and not annoyed.

I would also like to give a special shout out to the guy who tried edge me off the road under a viaduct (Just east of Lawrence and Milwaukee) right into the pot hole that gave me my second flat this week--and then deigned to give me a "WTF" look.    I did indeed shout at you after blowing my whistle, in case you didn't hear me with your windows rolled up and your hands-free phone blaring in your ear, I said "Share the #@%&n' Road!"

Sometimes I want to get one of the bright yellow "Shared Lane Yield to Bicycles" signs and attach it to my rear rack.  Apparently some people need it spelled it out for them. (F.Y.I.  I was riding in a marked shared lane.)

I rode yet again today. The rain can get tiresome but the commute was smooth and I still marvel at why people actually drive their cars in the city after seeing the backed up traffic at North Avenue this morning- all of which I rode past and smiled at.  I think I am beginning to enjoy the rain- but at this point, I think I would enjoy some sunshine more.

Agreed today was a nice ride.  Took LFP and was quite comfortable.  Kicked myself that I bailed on Friday...

It is raining. Again. As much as I don't mind riding in the rain, it is getting to be a bit of a downer and is dampening my spirits a tiny bit.  Of course, I will continue to ride in it, as I know it will make me appreciate and enjoy the upcoming sunny and warm days ahead all the more.
Rode from Rogers Park to Central Street in Evanston and back last night.  Great weather, nice to be in shorts again.
Drove for 1/2 of my dog route yesterday until the sun started to grace us with its presence. Drove home and left the car behind and rode off for the rest of the day. I did get soaked an hour later, but that was fine with me. It happened en route to my last dog walk appointment.

Last night, I rode my bike, too. Loved that tailwind and the weather was really nice.

Been riding all week.  If you see the guy on the white Trek with a clear shower cap on his helmet, that's me.  25 cents for helmet raingear.


Rode in the rain again this morning.  Will probably ride again in the rain this evening.

At least I am getting my moneys worth out of my rain gear.

Turns out, it wasn't bad at all! There was some uncomfortableness at times...mostly whenever I got back in the saddle. It seems every time I got back on my bike, it rained a bit harder. All in all, though, I really enjoyed it.

Seriously, it was not anything like I'd expected. I wasn't cold and I wasn't miserable. I think I'm going to try more workday rides in the rain and forgo the car. I don't think that these little pop-up showers need to be a deal breaker...we'll see.

At least I stuck with it... I thought of coming home on my little leg from West Town to Logan and then realized how slow and annoying it is to pass through three school zones between 2:30-3:30 in a car. (Hint: a lot of parents pick up their kids and at the same time and it's pandemonium trying to just get somewhere when a passel of cars are all parking in one area at one time.)(You already know this. I just wanted to use the word passel.)


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