I just missed the press conference and just hung out at lunch to see how it would all work. It seemed easy enough, so I took Dearborn as my starting route home to Roscoe Village. Normally I hit Franklin to Orleans then north to Lincoln.

I have to say, it was pretty easy and relatively safe. The ambassadors were helpful with the the auto traffic. The walkers were easy enough to avoid. I had to chuckle at two riders riding side by side in the lane.

What I didn't see was any oncoming traffic; southbound riders. I am guessing that will come in time or at other times during the day.

Way to go Mayor RE! This is really making a statement.

Who else rode the new path?

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Was the north facing light at Washington wonky for anyone else this morning? I had a simultaneous red and green.

It's been like that for at least a week.

If you stick around for a whole cycle, you'll see it's even more broken. It goes from red/green to red/yellow to flashing red.

Will G - 10mi said:

Was the north facing light at Washington wonky for anyone else this morning? I had a simultaneous red and green.

Did not notice this at all last week. Could be dangerous, I contacted CDOT about it.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

It's been like that for at least a week.

If you stick around for a whole cycle, you'll see it's even more broken. It goes from red/green to red/yellow to flashing red.

Will G - 10mi said:

Was the north facing light at Washington wonky for anyone else this morning? I had a simultaneous red and green.


carfreecommuter said:

Have you reported it to 311?

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

It's been like that for at least a week.

If you stick around for a whole cycle, you'll see it's even more broken. It goes from red/green to red/yellow to flashing red.

Will G - 10mi said:

Was the north facing light at Washington wonky for anyone else this morning? I had a simultaneous red and green.

Wooo, was going to say, looked like normal today. Nice work and thank you.

carfreecommuter said:

I walked over yesterday at lunch, took a photo, and reported it to 311. Within an hour I received a message saying my report had been closed out. I checked on the way in this morning and it worked fine.

CarFreeCommuter: 1, Adam Herstein: 0 

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:


carfreecommuter said:

Have you reported it to 311?

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

It's been like that for at least a week.

If you stick around for a whole cycle, you'll see it's even more broken. It goes from red/green to red/yellow to flashing red.

Will G - 10mi said:

Was the north facing light at Washington wonky for anyone else this morning? I had a simultaneous red and green.

Busy day going south on Dearborn today, knocked on a cab's window by the Westin asking him to not park in the bike lane and got a non committal answer, so going to report him to 311.  Then there were also some construction trucks parked nearby in the lane.  The guys were outside working so I asked if the trucks were theirs and explained the bike lane again.  All I got from them was an "ok" but I didn't think to take pictures.

But, I ran across a Chicago policeman biking north on Dearborn, so I pointed out that there were cars parked in the lane further north, and he said that's why he rides the lane every day.  Of course I thanked him!  I think I have seen him at least one other time when he gave me a hard time for walking my bike across the bridge.  Nice to see some enforcement!

Just before 7:00 am today, I also saw those three worker trucks parked in the lane just north of the river, and I tapped on the third truck's window and talked to the driver. I said it was a bike lane and he couldn't park there. He said he would move. I asked if the other two trucks were with him and he said they were and he'd get them to move. So I left without calling 311, but wondered if he'd actually leave. I hope they either did leave, or that they were issued citations if they stayed. For occasional visitors like contractors, I can't blame them for not understanding it's a bike lane when they pull up to the site, since the signage/markings are pretty sparse.
Julie M. 8.0 mi said:

Busy day going south on Dearborn today, knocked on a cab's window by the Westin asking him to not park in the bike lane and got a non committal answer, so going to report him to 311.  Then there were also some construction trucks parked nearby in the lane.  The guys were outside working so I asked if the trucks were theirs and explained the bike lane again.  All I got from them was an "ok" but I didn't think to take pictures.

But, I ran across a Chicago policeman biking north on Dearborn, so I pointed out that there were cars parked in the lane further north, and he said that's why he rides the lane every day.  Of course I thanked him!  I think I have seen him at least one other time when he gave me a hard time for walking my bike across the bridge.  Nice to see some enforcement!

Hmm, surprised they hadn't already moved, I went through around 6:40.  Perhaps later arrivals can let us know, or bug them again/call 311 if they're still there :)

I didn't see anyone parked in the lane, I probably came through (SB-starting at Kinzie) 7:30-40ish... Something worked, either your information or the CPD.

I came through around 7:20, they weren't there. Lane was totally clear from Kinzie to Monroe.

And I was there about 7:50.  There was a construction truck in the parking lane--nothing in the bike lane.  Thanks early birds and CPD.

Also, does anyone else find the noise that those new plates on the bridge make when you ride over them as awesome as I do?


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