I just missed the press conference and just hung out at lunch to see how it would all work. It seemed easy enough, so I took Dearborn as my starting route home to Roscoe Village. Normally I hit Franklin to Orleans then north to Lincoln.

I have to say, it was pretty easy and relatively safe. The ambassadors were helpful with the the auto traffic. The walkers were easy enough to avoid. I had to chuckle at two riders riding side by side in the lane.

What I didn't see was any oncoming traffic; southbound riders. I am guessing that will come in time or at other times during the day.

Way to go Mayor RE! This is really making a statement.

Who else rode the new path?

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Charlie, hasn't the cab stand just been moved to the east of the bicycle lane?  That might bring its own set of problems when the hotel whistles for the cab [;-)] but a reallly big sign might be useful.  I don't remember seeing anything that clearly designates what the cabs are supposed to do there.  And that is a popular stop so I bet there are hundreds of cab drivers that rotate through there.

Great to hear that the ambassadors will be out there for a while.  Educating everyone will not happen overnight.  I am afraid, however, that the turning against the signal problem might require actual CPD officers at least giving warnings if not tickets.
Charlie Short said:

Good feedback Lisa. We've actually had the Dept. of Finance out giving tickets between Wacker and Dearborn, but we recognize that we're going to have to be vigilant there. I've chased out about 10 cabs myself since Friday and it doesn't stop them coming back. I had a guy tell me they'd have to tow him out of the lane, and that I didn't scare him.

We'll have Ambassador staff out everyday this week, and then after the holidays. We're using every available resource to do outreach.


Steven Vance said:

To turn right from northbound to eastbound: proceed to the turn box on a green bicycle and orient yourself east. Wait for the eastbound light to turn green and proceed. 

Here's the video I made, riding northbound from Madison to Kinzie.

globalguy said:

Rode it also just after the press conference.  One smallish question - if going north, what's the proper procedure for turning right off of Dearborn onto any the east-bound streets.

My apologies for not recognizing the term, but what's a "turn box"?

Overall, the new bike lane is great. It's much better than my usual route riding Wells into the Loop. I do have a few minor gripes:

  • There are some serious flooding issues. I had to avoid some fairly large puddles heading southbound. The bike lanes are pretty narrow, so this can cause conflicts with northbound riders.
  • The bridge is missing bollards and metal plates. I hear those will be installed soon, but for now the lane is marked off using sawhorses.
  • Pedestrians seem to be using the bike lane as an extended sidewalk. I noticed quite a few people standing or walking in the bike lane. Hopefully, this is just a carryover from when the bike lane was under construction – I saw a lot more people walking in the lane when it was closed off.
  • The bike lane on Kinzie connecting the two protected bike lanes is not yet installed. I hear this will most likely be installed next year.
  • It does not appear that a green wave is in use. This would be nice to have, but not essential.

I did not notice any motorists turning left on a red arrow, however.

Here are my thoughts after riding it yesterday with video.  You'll love the taxi at 6:59: http://www.mybikeadvocate.com/2012/12/riding-chicagos-new-dearborn-...

I hope you 311'd that cabbie!

Brendan Kevenides said:

Here are my thoughts after riding it yesterday with video.  You'll love the taxi at 6:59: http://www.mybikeadvocate.com/2012/12/riding-chicagos-new-dearborn-...

Saw the municipal police setting a great example near the Westin this afternoon:

I look forward to trying the lane out later this week. Overall it seems to be positive. Can't wait to get some first hand experience.

Hard to believe how much progress has been made so far.

In my opinion attitudes and (bad) habits will take a lot longer to change. This is IL.

That's nice.

Cheryl said:

Saw the municipal police setting a great example near the Westin this afternoon:

I road it today for the first time on my morning commute from Lincoln park. Its really unfortunate that the lane doesn't connect with the protected bike lane on Kinzie as the few blocks between the end of the protected lane and Dearborn can be treacherous.

Winston Lazar said:

I road it today for the first time on my morning commute from Lincoln park. Its really unfortunate that the lane doesn't connect with the protected bike lane on Kinzie as the few blocks between the end of the protected lane and Dearborn can be treacherous.

That connection is planned for next year.

Cheryl said:

Saw the municipal police setting a great example near the Westin this afternoon:

Is that a federal cop?

I rode it north Friday night and that was my first experiencing trying to take Kinzie in the area without the PBL. It was a nightmare. Terrifying. I hope they make the connection a priority.


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