No hipsters.

I'm just looking to bike the metropolis with
a group of people who are sane,creative,love
single speeds or fixies,and just love to bike.

Living in the South Suburbs sucks....great roads and
inclines,but no real bikers.

Views: 393

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Im so confused right now....You're posting like you just read this post, but you've already posted in the thread.



Then, on top of that, in another thread, we squashed the matter......

Im confused ...I really am.

Jessica said:
My god you're an asshole.

Maybe they're biking BECAUSE THEY LIKE IT. Because they saw someone doing it AND THEY THOUGHT IT LOOKED FUN. I'm sure they didn't see you though, with that metal rod jammed up your ass you can't look too comfortable.

Who the hell are you to point your finger at other people? Are the the 'hipster' judge? I'm sure everyone here has something to offer, and for you to discount them because of some scene you have a prejudice against makes me gag.

You can go ahead and ride by yourself, buddy. You're the only one 'qualified' to do so anyhow.
I'm commenting on your continued douche-bag ness.

Nothing was 'squashed' anywhere. I was mocking you, jackass.

Seriously. Take the knot out of your panties, and get a life. You want a particular group of people to ride with, people that meet your 'specs'? Ride alone. Most people who bike are going to catch a whiff of your vibe, and head the other way.

moving on.

Jessica said:
I'm commenting on your continued douche-bag ness.

Nothing was 'squashed' anywhere. I was mocking you, jackass.

Seriously. Take the knot out of your panties, and get a life. You want a particular group of people to ride with, people that meet your 'specs'? Ride alone. Most people who bike are going to catch a whiff of your vibe, and head the other way.
Well this thread has degenerated enough. Please continue this discussion off the board.



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