No hipsters.

I'm just looking to bike the metropolis with
a group of people who are sane,creative,love
single speeds or fixies,and just love to bike.

Living in the South Suburbs sucks....great roads and
inclines,but no real bikers.

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I doubt anyone actually sees themselves as a hipster. Best of luck :)
Yeah. I know.....but there are certain people
that don't belong on fixies and I consider
them to be one of them....

I refuse to ride with assholes and people
that don't respect the essense of fixed riding.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I doubt anyone actually sees themselves as a hipster. Best of luck :)
hmm, not off to a great start.


Just, wow.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Yeah. I know.....but there are certain people
that don't belong on fixies and I consider
them to be one of them....

I refuse to ride with assholes and people
that don't respect the essense of fixed riding.

Can you define the "essense of fixed riding"?

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Yeah. I know.....but there are certain people
that don't belong on fixies and I consider
them to be one of them....

I refuse to ride with assholes and people
that don't respect the essense of fixed riding.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I doubt anyone actually sees themselves as a hipster. Best of luck :)
My start is fine....and i meant what I said

my comments were not pointed at real riders,
just those that ride around like assholes and disrespect
other riders,the road,etc....half of them
don't ride properly(breaking,etc) and they think
they know everything when they don't.

My opinion and observation.period.

nik was here said:
hmm, not off to a great start.
I have heard a number of people who seemed like obvious hipsters to me deny that they are hipsters. Vigorous, hissy denials. I would say that denial of hipster status is a sign of hipsterism.

Why beat up on hipsters? Is there something wrong with being a stylish nerd and a party animal at the same time?
I'm assuming by "breaking" you mean braking and not breakin' like "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo"--but do you mean that using brakes is improper, or not using brakes? I'm so confused anymore.

Anyway, good luck with your search!

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
My start is fine....and i meant what I said

my comments were not pointed at real riders,
just those that ride around like assholes and disrespect
other riders,the road,etc....half of them
don't ride properly(breaking,etc) and they think
they know everything when they don't.

My opinion and observation.period.

nik was here said:
hmm, not off to a great start.
bwhahahahahahha!!!! LOL

Natalie said:
I'm assuming by "breaking" you mean braking and not breakin' like "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo"--but do you mean that using brakes is improper, or not using brakes? I'm so confused anymore.

Anyway, good luck with your search!

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
My start is fine....and i meant what I said

my comments were not pointed at real riders,
just those that ride around like assholes and disrespect
other riders,the road,etc....half of them
don't ride properly(breaking,etc) and they think
they know everything when they don't.

My opinion and observation.period.

nik was here said:
hmm, not off to a great start.
(posting from my autocorrect corrects things
that it shouldn't sometimes)

That was a good one. I do have a sense
of humor.

I saw a guy skid into an intersection back
to back on purpose while cars were trying
to pass through....Drivers were pissed....

A front break is fine.Plus it's the law...

Natalie said:
I'm assuming by "breaking" you mean braking and not breakin' like "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo"--but do you mean that using brakes is improper, or not using brakes? I'm so confused anymore.
Anyway, good luck with your search!
ishnock aka the blue baron said:
My start is fine....and i meant what I said

my comments were not pointed at real riders, just those that ride around like assholes and disrespect other riders,the road,etc....half of them
don't ride properly(breaking,etc) and they think
they know everything when they don't.

My opinion and observation.period.

nik was here said:
hmm, not off to a great start.
Damn writing. I meant that as a joke (hence the smiley). *smiles*

I do wish you luck in finding fellow single-speeders to ride with.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Yeah. I know.....but there are certain people
that don't belong on fixies and I consider
them to be one of them....

I refuse to ride with assholes and people
that don't respect the essense of fixed riding.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I doubt anyone actually sees themselves as a hipster. Best of luck :)
A front brake is the law? Where, in Michigan? Portland? Not here, as far as I know. In those places the law dictates the necessity of “a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.” This could be your body weight if you wanted it to be, it doesn't technically have to be a hand brake. I agree to ride w/o a brake here is v. hazardous given how rainy and slick the conditions can be a large part of the year, but to my knowledge not a law..although if someone has materials online indicating otherwise, I would like to see them.

By the way, I noticed the absence of a brake cable in your signature nic bike pic, which Im assuming is the 'blue baron'.

The question is, do you have a brake?

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
(posting from my autocorrect corrects things
that it shouldn't sometimes) That was a good one. I do have a sense
of humor.

I saw a guy skid into an intersection back
to back on purpose while cars were trying
to pass through....Drivers were pissed....

A front break is fine.Plus it's the law...

Natalie said:
I'm assuming by "breaking" you mean braking and not breakin' like "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo"--but do you mean that using brakes is improper, or not using brakes? I'm so confused anymore.
Anyway, good luck with your search! ishnock aka the blue baron said:
My start is fine....and i meant what I said

my comments were not pointed at real riders, just those that ride around like assholes and disrespect other riders,the road,etc....half of them don't ride properly(breaking,etc) and they think they know everything when they don't.

My opinion and observation.period.

nik was here said:
hmm, not off to a great start.


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