I'm looking for chicago's most experienced EBB specialist

i have a Scott SUB 10.; it's an IGH/disc brake hybrid that uses an eccentric bottom bracket (EBB) for chain tension. it's an external clamp style EBB w/ two pinch bolts.

the EBB on my bike S--U--C--K--S. it's constaqntly slipping out of position, no matter how hard it's tightened down. i've taken it to several different bike shops around town (including where i originally purchased the bike) and given their mechanics a go at trying to get the damn thing to stay put. no avail, loosey goosey (as i like to call the stupid EBB on my bike) keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping........

before i set this stupid bike on fire and ghost ride it into thornton quarry to be rid of it once and for all, i thought i'd make a last ditch plea on the chain link to find out if anyone here might know who's the best mechanic in town for dealing with incorrigibly disobedient EBBS.

any help and recommendations would be much appreciated.

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Aren't eccentric bottom brackets used on tandems? I'd try and find a shop that specializes in selling/maintaining tandems.

get dug here. he will figure it out.

^ who's dug? an EBB expert?

good idea, that would probably be a good place to start. does anyone know of any shops around town that specialize in tandems?

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Aren't eccentric bottom brackets used on tandems? I'd try and find a shop that specializes in selling/maintaining tandems.

Chainlink handle: NotoriousDUG. Local expert bike mechanic.

There are a couple of potential fixes for it, the easiest one being carbon paste. 

And possessor of a hypersensitive auditory system which enables him to "hear" when his name is mentioned in a chainlink forum thread.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Chainlink handle: NotoriousDUG. Local expert bike mechanic.

Or I could just check the forum each morning...

Kevin C said:

And possessor of a hypersensitive auditory system which enables him to "hear" when his name is mentioned in a chainlink forum thread.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Chainlink handle: NotoriousDUG. Local expert bike mechanic.

that's why his name is notorious...

notoriousDUG said:

Or I could just check the forum each morning...

Kevin C said:

And possessor of a hypersensitive auditory system which enables him to "hear" when his name is mentioned in a chainlink forum thread.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Chainlink handle: NotoriousDUG. Local expert bike mechanic.

I wouldn't consider myself an expert in all things EBB, but all of the bike I have built in the last 2 years have had EBBs. I used the Easton style (yours) last year on a handful of bikes, but recently switched to the Bushnell. The former uses pinch bolts, that if not tightened properly, can either let the insert move and creek, or break/strip the binder/bolt (rendering the frame a mess). I switched to the Bushnell because it is internal expanding and puts all the moving parts on the insert. 

Regardless, I think there are a few tricks to getting an EBB to stick. 

A: Make sure the surfaces that are mating together are maximized. Any distortions or inconsistencies in either the insert or shell can reduce the friction when clamped

B: Be sure the bolts/binders are clean, and protected form seizing - I use marine grade anti-seize - then tightened to factory torque spec.

C: Use more than just grease when installing - I haven't used carbon paste - but I do use the anti-seize, it is a mixture of lubricant, graphite and metal powder that provide more protection from corrosion and probably more gripping action.

If you don't find anyone to help, I would be happy to take a look at it at my workshop.




^ thanks for your reply Levi!

since there don't seem to be any other options to consider being offered, i'm inclined to let you have a look at my seemingly irredeemable EBB and offer suggestions/attempt to repair it (fairly compensated, of courses).

are you located in the city or the burbs?

My workshop is in Bridgeport - 1048 W 37th street. Send me an email levi at legacyframeworks.com and lets setup a time that you can come out. 


^ nice, i live in the west loop, bridgeport is not even a hop, skip and a jump away, and also, coincidentally, a neighborhood my wife and i are considering a move to.

i'll shoot you an email and will take it from there. thanks again!


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