I plan on riding the I&M Canal on Thursday July 5th 2013 from 2nd Ave in Lockport to Willow Springs. I saw in another thread (which I can not find right now) someone mentioned that there is not a way over/under Rt 83. What is the way around it? Is it marked? Anyone know of a gas station, 7-11, etc to get water/gatorade in Willow Springs befor ei turn around and go back?
Look at the last page of this thread. There is some good info.
Also, this is what I did earlrier this year. I picked up the trail a little further south than Willow Spinrgs, but it looks like it extends all the way to Willow springs.
That trail is very nice, varying from limestone trail thru wide open grass land near Lockport to paved path under thick, lush canopies further North-east.
Have fun.
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